Chapter Three

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Once class was over, I was one of the last to head out. I remembered that I was supposed to go to that Host Club meeting, but since the other three had left, I figured I could probably sneak away without notice.

How wrong I was. The moment I stepped out the door, there was one of the twins waiting for me. He Was leaning against the wall and watching me very carefully as I came out and realized I was tongue tied. A tinge of guilt sprang up in my chest as I realized that he probably already knew that I was trying to sneak away. A moment passed as we stared at each other.

"You coming?" he asked bluntly and I simply stared in response. I was trying to think of any possible way to get out of it when he suddenly pushed himself off the wall and took a step towards me. I Felt a small children panic as I realized the distance between us is closing fast. Instinctively, I took a step back. He gave me a strange look, but thankfully stopped in his tracks.

"That wasn't a retorical question, you know." I looked away from moment, contemplating briefly on another escape route, but I knew there wasn't one. instead of honoring him with the verbal response, I just gave him a curt nod. His expression seemed a mixture of irritation and annoyance, but he just turned and started to lead me to wherever this host club was. as I followed him, something bothered me in the back of my mind. Something about him seemed so strange, and yet so familiar. as we walked silently, I tried to place it. I was sure I had never seen him before, and I was even more sure that I've never seen anyone like him before. So what was it?

Before I had time to figure it out, though, we arrive to some large doors which were labeled 'music room 3'. Before we entered, he turned around again and stared me down with those piercing eyes of his. a brief moment of silence passed between us as we stared at each other, both too stubborn to look away or talk first. you didn't last long, though, because he broke the silence first.

"We're a bit late, so if you were expecting a fancy introduction, you can forget it," he said it in a way that made it sound like I was supposed to be disappointed. " but there are already a lot of girls here, so you should be able to blend right in."

Ignoring his rude tone, I tilted my head slightly as I looked at him. "You're one of the twins. What's your problem? You seemed happy enough earlier."

My words apparently hurt him more than I meant them to, because he immediately seemed angry. "I don't have a problem. What about you? You said you would come see the club, and yet you try to sneak away in the back of the class. What's your deal?" Although he kept his tone low and didn't shout, I could tell that he was incredibly irritated with what I had said. I knew I was in the wrong here. I saw no real reason to lie to him, so I figured I might as well just be honest.

"I Just moved to Japan, I don't know anyone and I don't know what I'm doing here. I'm kinda freaked out and I'm just trying to absorb everything. I Didn't mean to upset you or anyone else."

He seemed taken aback by my honesty, and he kind of stared at me with his eyes wide and mouth partially open for a second. After the moment passed, though, he snapped back to normal, looking much less aggitated, but very closed off.

"Whatever." he brushed it off and turned around and I couldn't help but feel hurt by the fact that I've been honest and he acted so coldly. I started to contemplate whether or not I wanted to deal with him anymore when he suddenly stopped right before opening the door. he turned his head, his piercing eyes gazing at me one more time when I'm out of the blue, he said something very quietly. "Sorry." He said it in a way that made it seem both forced and still sincere.

I had no time to process though, as the moment after he spoke, he went directly inside of the room. It only took me a second after to realize why he seems so familiar. He was exactly like the cat from my dream. With that one small realization, I forgave him whole heartedly and stepped in after him.

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