Chapter 5: Icy Truth

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A dark and dreary reality compared to the beautiful landscape of rolling hills and county side. Lamp post glow ever so ominously in the velvet darkness. Breathing in the souls of the night and plucking the victims who dare to walk alone in the night. Stana feels the chill of the air brush up against her and wrap around her tight. The last words from Aaron were be safe and I love you. Stana doesn't think about safety, she thinks about the cold hearted life she must live and that is slyly killing Miss Jackson. She knows that her heart has never been pure. The heart she carries is full of rage and darkness.
Cobble stone streets where Stana begins her hunt for her child, Lucifer. Going through allies full of women of the night wanting to sink their teeth into men who will pay the price. Stana just keeps her head low, not wanting to attract attention to herself. She hears whistling coming from men's cunning mouths waiting for a thrill. She ran into the pale dim lit streets. Walking up and down, trying desperately to find her missing son.
Meanwhile, Miss Jackson walks into the grande hotel, Spring Hill Hotel. Miss Jackson smiles at little Lucifer who is holding her hand. "What a handsome young boy!" The manager behind the desk says. Lucifer looks up to see a woman of younger age not too young but not old either staring at him.
"Isn't he?" Miss Jackson says stroking his hair.
"What's his name?" The manager says.
"Lucifer." Lucifer smiles as Miss Jackson says his name.
"Well I am Sally May. If you guys need anything, just give me a holler." Sally May says giving Miss Jackson the key. Lucifer is four now and brilliant as ever. Yet, he doesn't remember anything about his real parents and his wings are coming in. Miss Jackson brainwashed Lucifer so he has no recognition of Stana. Miss Jackson walks to the elevator with Lucifer still holding her hand. Sally May smiles. Just then, Stana comes in.
"Do you have a room available?" Stana says kind of out of breathe.
"You okay sweetheart." Sally May says getting the key.
"Yeah. Just been everywhere."
"Yeah, sightseeing there's a lot you can see in London."
"I guess so." Stana says in a melancholy tone.
"Well it sounds like you are starving and tired. I will whip you up something special!"
"That's very kind of you, Sally." Stana says handing a credit card over while reading her name tag.
"Why you are very welcome Stana, read the credit card." Sally says swiping the card and then handing it back to Stana. "Enjoy your stay!" Stana causally walks to the elevator unknowingly pressing the same floor as Miss Jackson. Stana gets to her room and passes out. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door, and Stana reaches into her back pocket drawing out a knife.
"Who is it?" Stana says kind of nervously.
"Sally, with your room service! It's on the house!" Sally says with a cart full of goodies. Stana opens the door and let's Sally in. Stana looks at all the gourmet food that Sally prepared and turns to Sally.
"Thank you, this just made my day, with your kindness."
"Oh this is nothing! I made this because it's not everyday we get tourists that seem so pure of heart."
"Me? Pure of heart! No."
"Oh I see! Eat." Sally says smiling at Stana. "What you are saying is you have a dark heart. A heart that has turned black."
"Well yeah..."
"I mean..."
"Why are you really here Stana? You aren't a tourist, you desire something, I can see it in your eyes."
"My son. He was stolen from me. He's special. He has a gift and I feel that the woman who took him might be using him for evil."
"And you won't?"
"Excuse me!? I am his god damn mother! How dare you say that? I am going to ask you to leave."
"Fine. I will see myself out. By the way, don't make enemies in this hotel. Especially with me." Sally says slamming the door behind her.
Stana calls Aaron but he doesn't answer. She lays awake on her hotel bed flooding with memories of destruction. Her childhood.
She lacked structure in her younger life and that's where her darkness grew from the past that haunts her. She was taken away from her family and dropped off in the institution of England by her family. Her family couldn't stand her saying that she was playing with Elizabeth. Young girl that had died many years ago in a fire so Stana would see the little girl in a blaze. Lola's Curosity Asylum was a torture for poor Stana, and they called her schizophrenic.
"Why do you see Elizabeth? She isn't really!" The doctors would scream at her while violently shaking her.
"She does exist."
"No she doesn't." The doctors would say slapping poor Stana. Her family never visited and Stana would sit in her padded room only talking to the walls. But in fact, Stana still saw Elizabeth. A fiery young woman who rained ash inside the padded room. They would blame Stana but one day Stana finally gave up. Stana never saw Elizabeth again, she was cured. No, she just didn't believe anymore. Her family still didn't come to pick her up, the next day, her family's house was set on fire. Leaving all of her family to die. Stana had been on an airplane to the United States leaving her past behind her. She didn't set that fire but she knew who did.
Stana felt the tears pour down her face as she still lays in her hotel bed, England is dreary enough but too many dark memories lay in London for Stana. Stana tries to call Aaron but once again no response.
Meanwhile back in Italy, the villa is wrecked. Everything torn to pieces and pictures scratched and smashed. An undertaker has a portal opened to the Underworld. He carries something purple inside a chamber that glows. A soul. Aaron lays motionless next to a broken glass coffee table with his phone next to him with it open to a text. His body begins to fade away into the Underworld. A darkness arises and the portal closes leaving the villa in disarray.

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