Me and my friends

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*Elsa's POV*

First day back to school can't wait!

I have finally desided that I wanted to be back as being the nerd in the back of the class and the nerd that's the captain of the spe-

Oh No! I completely forgot spelling and maybe principal Frost will let me be captain again.

I walked quietly but quickly though the crowd and walked well ran the the front office.

"Principal Frost," I said breathing like a weirdo. "I would like to, to be on the spelling team." 

"Well Elsa I'm happy that you are you must have a meeting toady."

"Yes principal Frost."

"Thank you." 

When I left I ran to my locker and got my Texas History book, the bell rang and I made a run since I liked being the first one in the class. 

When I made it I was the first one. Yes! Ok I took a seat in the back row, but far away from the window, people like sitting by the window but me it was boring, weird, boring and well you get it, it was not fun. 

five seconds later the door flung open and Jack ran in and sat next to me,

"Elsa Arendelle you should really be on the track team, cause you are fast at running away." He exclaimed. I laughed but quickly stopped. 

"Elsa would you like to join me and Hic for lunch?"

"No thanks." I said adjusting my glasses.

"Please." He looked at me with his puppy eyes.

"You think I have puppy eyes?" He giggled. 

"What?" How did he know I thought that?

"You said your thought out loud."

"Sorry." I said, a little bit blushing. Fine I was blushing to much, but it's not my fault he was staring and making me laugh.

*****After Class, During Lunch."*****

Jack, Hiccup, and me were sitting, eating lunch. Merida and Punzie weren't here since they did a bet about kissing and food. I forgot. Anyway as we were eating Hic brought up the worst/ funniest topic ever,

H: "So Elsa what you like about Jack?" He laughed.

E: "Ew nothing." I turned to look at him and shook  my head.

J: "Why what's wrong with my beautiful hair?" He said fixing his hair. "Or my awesome 6-pack."

E: "Really? You call that a six pack?" I said with a confused look.

H: "You got that right Elsa."

J: "Shut up Hic. And Elsa would you like me to take my shirt off?"

H: "No thanks."

J: "Haha you really think I  would do that?"

E/H: "YESS!" 

J: "Oh, ok." With a "your weird" look. But he looked so cute.

J: "Really?"

E: "What?"

J: "You said I look cute." He said while leaning closer.

J: "you really need to not say your thoughts out loud." He said pinching my cheeks.

H: "Jack look, she's blushing." They started to laugh so loud that I think people stared at us for like the whole lunch.

That was the best time ever! But I wish Merida, Punz and Anna were here they would have made it better, but I'll see then after school. But right now I was enjoying every second with my best friend, not wanting it to end.

Once the bell rang I asked Jack and Hic what's their next class,

E: "So peeps, where you guys heading?"

J: "Well, I think I have Algebra  two." He said sraching his head.

H: "I have World History."

E: "Bla me to. Well see you later Jack." Me and Hic walked away when Jack went the other direction.

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