Chapter 26

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Dedicated to ShellySugihara because she is going to kill me if i didn't update. So here you go
Jimin POV
It felt like falling into a deep dark abyss.

Falling into a sea of nothingness.

The pain is still there yet it's different.

I don't care. I thought I was supposed to die.

"Jimin. If you can hear me, I want you to know I love you. And if it ends here I will end it and meet you on the other side." But everything else was inaudible.

Jungkook you can't do this.

I felt disconnected from my body yet the sudden touches on my hand i could feel.

What will I do?
Jungkook POV
"I'm afraid that he lost too much blood and we don't know how long he'll stay alive. We are trying our best but we feel that it's time to pull the plug." He said.

"No! Is there any other way to save him. Please." I ask.

"Well we could do a blood transfusion and transfer some blood to him but he is has AB+ and that is a very rare blood type. It doesn't accept many blood types." He said.

"Can you check my blood type. Maybe I can donate some blood?" I said.

"I don't think it'll be safe to take out the amount we need to give him from one person?" I looked at the others.

"I'll donate." Taehyung said.

"I'm AB+." He said politely.

"Tae you don-"

"No. I want to." He said.

"Then I guess we don't need anyone else"

The doctor took us to a secluded room and started setting up.

I went first.

They checked what blood type I was first.

O negative.

Thank god.

They took a pint of blood out. And did the same to Tae.

"This will be more than enough for him. We just have to hope for the best." The doctor said.

"Thank you."

I was walking out when I felt a little lightheaded.

"T-Ta-." I said as i fell.

"Jungkook. Are you okay?" He said.

"Nurse!" But after that it went all dark.

*** Time skip

I woke up and Taehyung was next to my bed.

"Where is Jimin. Why am i here? I need to go to him." I say getting up.

"No. You need to rest. You donated blood and you were alittle faint. And you actually fainted. So you need to finish this dosage of saline. The doctor said drink plenty of fluids." Tae said.

"Thanks for taking care of me." He said.

The dose was done and I was free to go.

I walked out and saw Suho and Lay.

"We heard the news and rushed here to see how you were." Lay said showing off his dimple.

"Thanks. I'm fine. I just need to see Jimin." I say.

"You can go see him." Suho said.

I walked in on a slant into Jimin's room.

He lay breathing in and out.

So peaceful.

"Just a few days ago he was the happiest person. I made him breakfast and he was happily munching on his breakfast. And his eye-smile. Everything about him is perfect and I broke him. I caused him pain. I made him like this. I managed to make the happiest person on the earth the most hurt of us all. I can't believe this. And he calls me his boyfriend. I'm a disgrace." I say with tears straming.

I sat by his bedside.

"Jungkook listen. You messed up but that doesn't mean you are horrible. You felt guilty when you kissed Tae. And you went crazy and tried to find a solution just for Jimin's safety. You are a great boyfriend. You just donated blood and fainted but you put Jimin first. It makes you beyond a great person." Jin was saying.

"Thanks. But i still messed up and this is why he's like this." I say.

"Stop putting yourself down man." Lay said.

I looked back at Jimin.

His hand twitched.

I was shocked and put my hand on top of his.

"Jimin. Please wake up." I say.

I saw he was slowing opening his eyes.

"Oh my god! Guys he's waking up. Shhh" i say.

"We weren't talking." Namjoon says laughing.

"Jimin can you hear me?" I say softly.

"Jun-kook." *cough* "I'm okay." He says with a raspy voice.

I hugged him really hard.

"Oh my god, thank god you woke up." I say through sobs.

"I love you so much. And don't you ever scare me like that!" I say pushing him slightly.

"You're boyfriend just wakes up and you yell at him?" He says.

"Shut up." I say pulling him into a deep kiss.

"Aww." Jin and Lay said.

"Get a room." Namjoon said.

"Hey. My boyfriend just woke up. Shut the hell up!" I say.

"Sorry." Namjoon said

"I'll just be going. It's good to see you awake. Keep Jungkook safe." Taehyung said whilst getting up.

I looked down.

"No." Jimin said.

"What" Me and Taehyung said synchronized.

"I said No. Other than you making out of my boyfriend I want to thank you. I over heard the two paramedics talking about you taking care of Jungkook. And you also donated to help save my life. I owe you one. And you should stay. Can we just put this behind us?" He said happily.

"Yeah. You are pretty cool though." Tae said.

"Thanks. And sorry for punching you."

"Nope. My fault. So..... Bros?" Tae said.

"Bros." Jimin said.

"So now that we are all happy can we be one big happy family." I say.

"Yeah." Suho said.

"Um, I don't want to ruin the mood but who exactly are you?" Jimin asked.

"Oh sorry. I'm Suho. This is my husband Lay. And we are paramedics that came to take you to the hospital. And made sure that Jungkook was safe." They said.

"Aw. How many years were you married?" Jimin asked.

"12 years." Suho said.

"And we have a child. His name is Kai." He's about 5 years old. We adopted him when he was a baby." Lay said.

"We should do that." I over hear Jin say to Namjoon.

We all laugh.

"Maybe in the future." Namjoon says laughing.

"Okay." Jin says whining.

"So I think we can finally take you home. Right?" I look at Suho and Lay.

"Yeah. We'll help you go home." They both said.

This is absolutely perfect.
There here is a happy chapter;
Now i feel like this story is coning to an end. But i loved writing this.

Love you xoxo

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