20. Ashton

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Song - A Drop in the Ocean (Luke version so u will cry more HAHA)

Scarlett's body tenses at the mention of Luke being home.

"Where is he?" She asks.

"On his way over to our house," Michael responds.

"Ashton and I will be over in an hour once my hair is done dying."

"That's another thing I'm here to talk about. Mom said you need to come home," Michael says.

"What? I'm 18 I can do what I want," Scarlett snaps.

"She says it's not fair to Ashton and his family to stay here for so long. It's almost been 5 days."

"I'm not even bothering them! I haven't eaten any of their food, simply because I haven't eaten. I've been in Ashton's room the whole time!!" She yells.

I interject, "if your mom wants you to go home you should. She probably misses you and is concerned."

She sighs. "She just wants what's best for you, Scar," Michael tells her.

"Fine. I'll be home in an hour. Michael if Luke is there when you get home, please don't be nice to him. I know you guys are best friends but he really hurt me."

"Oh Scarlett I plan on beating the shit out of him. No one cheats on my sister and gets away with it," Michael tells her.

She smiles, "don't punch him too hard, just enough to make him hurt like he hurt me."

"See you soon," Michael smiles as he leaves my room. The second the door closes Scarlett bursts into tears.

"Scar are you ok?" I ask her.

"No! I'm not ok! I've been trying to be strong this whole time but I can't be strong anymore, Ashton. I'm in so much pain and I don't want to see Luke!! I can't face him!!! He hurt me so bad I don't want to see him," she says in between her crying.

I wrap my arm around her, "it's ok Scar. No one expects you to be strong about this. You have a reason to cry and hell, even if you didn't have a reason you should be allowed to cry!! You're allowed to feel."

"Will you be with me when I talk to him?"

"Of course."

"Thanks," she wipes her nose, "oh. I got some blue on your shirt. I'm sorry."

I laugh, "it's ok I don't care! But hey let's get you cleaned up. You need to make Luke know what he's missing."


I pull up next to the curb of Scarlett's house and park the car. I look over to see her looking out the window towards her pouch which is currently occupied with Luke, Calum, Michael and Melissa. Melissa's hand were flying in the air and Calum looked like he was about to kill Luke.

"Are you ok?"

She turns to look at me and I can see the tears in her eyes. She shakes her head no and then the tears start to fall.

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