What They Say

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They say that it is when you stop looking for love that then it will come to you.
Left abandoned by you once again that it is when i told myself to stop looking for another to replace the empty space in my head and in my heart
And so that led me towards the lonesome autumn
The new fresh and cool breezes yet No one to keep me warm while the gusts of winds blew the leaves off the trees
But I told myself that I don't need to look for that someone to be there and that I could keep myself warm so I just kept walking and walking all the way back to my house where I spent all my time denying the ever present void
Soon after I fell for another but he provided only a false sense of comfort so I picked myself back up again and just kept moving on
Telling myself that I'll be just fine on my own
Now the winter is whispering around the corner
Soon approaching with its bitter frigid air
And still I feel more alone than ever
Yet you found another but I guess I'll just wait for mine to come
They say to stop looking for love, just let it come to you
But I'm impatient
The now short days and long nights just slip by with nothing special
The same old routine day to day
The ones I've kissed don't care
I guess I'll just wait because that's what they say.

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