Chapter 1

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Jojo woke to red and yellow flames in almost every district her eyes would meet. Screams filled her

ears, as beads of sweat dripped down her forehead. She ran out her room, running through the

hallway she checked each room for any sign of life. Getting to the last two rooms she saw only one

sibling. She grabbed Karina and ran into the living room where she saw dad trying to put out the fire.

She could hear sirens in the far distance, never seeming to come any closer. "DAD!" she screamed in a

high pitched breaking voice. Derek turned to her and screamed " Your moms hurt! Go find your other

sister and get out!  I'll take care of mom." She could hear her mother wailing in the distance. As a tear

ran down her red blushed cheek she picked up Karina and ran to find her sister. "Alyssa!" Jojo ran

around franticly screaming her sisters name after every breathe she took filled with grey thick smoke.

The house quickly became filled with smoke and parts of the ceiling and walls started crumble in.

Jojo quickly felt the house enclose on her and her sister. As she took a deep breath she felt a major

Earthquake , she looked up and all around her in flash. Huge pieces of the ceiling started to fall

everywhere, even at the age of 9 she was smart enough to know the building wasn't gonna hold for

much longer. Jojo  started running, faster and faster and faster. She pushed herself, she could see

the door but it was like every time she came close to the door it moved farther and farther from her.

She felt the ceiling fall and in mid-air she threw her sister as far as she could. When her sister didn't go

far enough she ran and ran and jumped as high as she could and landed on her sister to protect her.

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