Chapter 1

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Dedicated to janesmith111
The chapter has been revised and there are some changes as well..
I know I have had a writers block so bad that it hurts and somehow I got it over and now we are gonna finish this as the plot has more twists now

Ava's POV

" wake up...wake up...wake up..its a good day..." ..
I am roaming my hand in the bedside table to stop that screeching alarm from my stupid cell phone..aargh..I hate alarms..I hate mornings.. And I definitely hate this alarm song.. Good day my as$..a Monday morning can never be good enough for me because gotta go to college where hundreds of those vultures are waiting to pounce up on me. Even though I put on my bravest face and act like these things doesn't effect me.. In reality, it does.

Thank god., my alarm went off. But how, neither did I snooze it nor I threw it across the room.
Oh..Kay sweetest roomie might have done it..I just tried to open my left eye and there standing glaring at me... one and only Terry the angry young man.. Suddenly I am feeling pain shooting across my rear dare he..he just slapped me there and on instinct my arms reached and slapped his baby face body messes with me . Thus started our eventful Monday morning.

I am randomly picking whichever cloth is coming in touch with my hand when I thrust it inside my wardrobe and now I am ready with my signature style consisting of black tank top , blue cardigan on top of it with skinny jeans and rustling my hands through my hair and tying it in a high pony and matching the outfit with a knee high boot ..
I am good to go...

Now you may be thinking how am doing it all being an incomplete paraplegic ( google it out weirdos if u don't know what it is )  .. but you see I injured by spinal chord and it caused me paralysis, yes my full body was in coma , but when I woke up I lost my strength in lower body especially my limps due to blood vessels damage with a 50% sensitivity loss. I can move my legs with the help of someone else or my hands ...but alone I can't get up or if I stress too much on heavy body tiring works then it pains... like a hell lot...

now back to the thing in my hand... we need to get going and where Is he???

"Terry....where the hell are you..we are already late ..come on least this semester I don't want to be asked to leave classes, just coz I was not on time ....come on you lazy bum...what are you doing ".

"I am coming mama, see, you should understand I have to dress up properly, got a reputation to keep unlike you, Ava".

I hate it when terry gives me that dressing to look the part shit... he is really handsome and cute ... his smile is enough to be named as panty ripper . But you see I am immune to his looks and hence I threw the bag on his face and wham it had hit square on his freshly shaven baby bum face..

" Ava... you are dead just committed the greatest sin in the world by trying to damage my oh so handsome face ."and started to tickle me to death and I was trying to choke him but he was not having it and I have to literally slap him to make him stop... I couldn't breath due to the tickling and that bloody bastard knew I have asthma ...
After laughing so hard he took a look at me and suddenly were on his knees .
"bloody hell ... Ava baby ... u alright  there... I am so sorry . I just got carried away... sorry .. slap me how much ever u wants " and he started slapping himself ...

"Stop it ya terry.. it's fine .. I am fine .. it's just ,now a days I feel like I can't handle anything. I am being so weak". I spoke under muffled breaths

"Shh..shh.. it's okay .. I am sorry. Forgive me baby,please . I will make it up to you "terry cooed at me

"hmm...let me see.. Convince me to forgive you " I said with a mischievous smile on my lips.

And that is why Terry is carrying me bridal style to his car. " Terry please fold my chair also...even if you ditch me after seeing your man Joel, I have got to come back here all by myself please "
Terry smirks and folds my one and only partner, my ride,my wheelchair!!

Aww..finally reached the dreaded college..and like they know I am in this car..all those b!tches and jocks are waiting there to pounce up on me.. Okay Ava..put your Ninja warrior outfit and shield yourself..I told to myself..

"Hey Ava you got yourself a lift huh..finally someone is taking care of the charity case and by the way..u look soo.....Ugly today" the Meredith b!tch said high fiving her bimbo friends.

"Oh it is nothing Mer, I was just trying to look like you today and by your compliment I see I have achieved that right, Mer". I said with a fake smile.

Her smile faltered and she screamed bloody murder to me. Ha as if it scarces me..

"There you go girl, you just asked for it Mer and may I remind you people for umpteenth time to talk properly to her" Terry said through Clenched teeth.

I saw Joel stuffling the laughter by biting his lips and he If he was not my Terry's friend I would have buried him alive long time ago. He is so bloody full of himself and his girlfriend Meredith is a bimbo. I don't understand how Terry became friends with this idiotic group .

" Terry.. Please just fetch me my wheels and I am out of your disgusting friends face. " Terry understood my feelings and he got me my companion next to the passenger seat of his car and turned around to talk to Joel. I gathered all my power to my hands and pulled myself to hop in to the chair sideways and suddenly I see that the chair has been moved back but I couldn't do anything and I just closed my eyes waiting for that impending fall I am in for.

But I didn't feel the pain rather I felt so safe and protected and when I had opened my eyes I am sitting in my wheelchair, then it falls upon me that someone has caught me falling from car seat and had me seated in the chair.

I turned around and caught a glimpse of a silhouette of a very tall , broad person wearing brown leather jacket with a helmet in hands walking away in to the hallway of college.

And I saw Meredith is standing with open mouth gaping at my saviour.

" Mer, close your mouth or else you will catch flies. See ya sweetheart ".

I chuckled and went steering my automatic wheelchair to my morning session.

* Incomplete paraplegia means that the injury has not completely severed your spinal cord and some neural circuits between the brain and body still exist!

With incomplete paraplegia, you'll likely have some sort of sensation or control in paralyzed regions of your body.

I have edited it and please
Guys, this is first attempt so please vote and support me. And also suggest if anything is to be taken care of.

Waiting for you peoples remarks

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