Chapter 2

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Dedicated to nonfictionalex: you have inspired me immensely with your book #between takes.

I have edited the whole story and
Brought in a different aspect
To the story , so please everyone read it and let me know .

*i will posting beautiful pictures of women in wheelchairs here ..

Ava's POV:

I hate this stupid operations Research paper. I wonder who persuaded me to take this paper in my credits, well since the only one who could convince me is me, myself I lifted my hands and slapped on the back of my head. This action created a little stifled muffled laughs from the perfectionists sitting behind me , I turned around to flip my finger.

There I caught a pair of blue orbs staring at me very intently...Tearing my eyes from those blue orbs was quite a difficult task but being Ava, I am used to the difficult tasks and hooray.. I did it. And then I raked my brains to identify that face ... it looks very familiar...but nope I haven't seen the guy before , so I quirked my eyebrows at him . But he just casually shrugged with a ghost of smile on his face ..

Ergh may be another jerk to torment me , i thought and turned to the guy sitting next to me ..

" By the way any luck in growing some brains there ,Mr.Peterson? This winter break must have treated you nice because you look like an ice queen .."I asked Dave Peterson , another jock who is a friend of Joel.

" Yo , atleast I had a good winter break with my family unlike u Ms.Bitch on the wheels, who is whoring around with those ugly fat body.." He answered

Ha ha he is messing with the wrong person and for this only I have started a bitchy conversation with him... there it goes , I need my morning workout ..

" I have been called worse Cutie"

" like what flying witch or legless piece of crap , huh.. " he stifled a laugh while asking  ...

"No, ....much worse ....
Your Girlfriend duh"..
I flashed him a grin and moved my arms to the hand control of my chair to get out of this class.
First class of the sem and I am already fed up.

" what the f*ck man " I heard someone crying loud and I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see Dave (Mr. Peterson) covering his nose and blood is dripping . Wow ..just now he called me ugly and here his face is the one ugly now.. But how ?? He might have hit himself , such a brainless jock he is ...I laughed to myself and shouted .. " Dave , Karma is really a bitch huh!"

If looks good kill , then I am 6 ft under now.. well he deserved it , whoever has done it , done mankind a favour.

" that much hatred to the old poor Dave huh ??? What did he do to you ?" the blue eyed guy asked me while stifling a smirk and I saw him wiping his knuckles on a handkerchief.

" Oh , did I say it aloud ? "

"Yeah, well it sounded like your voice , so what did he do to get such a curse from you " he questioned me

" nothing special , as usual .. though this time I literally fished it out of him . It's fun how they get riled up on comments about their puny brain sizes and non existent beauty ..phew.!! "

I don't know why but I find it comfortable to speak or rather ramble to him , when I don't even know who this guy is ...I should put a stop to my ramblings.. with that I started veering my drive to the hallway and while turning the corner I saw him still standing there staring at me with a smile . He had that bad boy aura around him with the leather jacket and messy hair with sharp jaw and all .. but the best about him was his enticing blue orbs ...

Get a grip Ava .. what are you .., 15 year old teenager huh ???

Anyways , I m sure it was him who gave Dave that bloody nose ..why ?? God knows.. Dave being Dave might have done something to piss him off ..

I was so tired after hopping from one class to another , to the library and floundered up on by a shit load of assignments.
And as usual Terry is nowhere to be seen ...
So I went to the parking lot and was waiting near our car when Terry came And asked me breathlessly ..

"How do u know JT , Ava?"

I simply shrugged my shoulders
" who is JT?? , I don't know any JT".

Terry looked at me confused.
"Then why did he went to the extent of putting a dent to Dave's face and gave him a warning to be nice to you.."

Now it was my turn to be confused ..
" what ???"" even though I was sure it was the blue eyed guy who has punched Dave ... but warned him to be nice to me ... I dint order for a body guard for me ..

" what do you mean Terry , I thought he had hit Dave for some Other reason and I don't know him... he was there in my OR class and as usual me and Dave was on each other's throat ,and I lose my eyes for
One second and look back to see Dave sitting with bloodied nose...Who is he ?"

" oh ... That is Jayden Taylor for you.. our own JT" Terry dismisses me and opened my car door

Ohkay ... This is getting more interesting second by second ....
..I have heard a whole lot of stories about him. No one dared to even look at him. Gossips were there that he was part of a gang and he had gone to college here last year and then has left the city for some professional bike racing and is rounding the world with these racing championships.. And the last I have heard about him was last week when Meredith came running to me with a newspaper with Jayden Taylor's photo on it and yelling to me that I have got a competition in was him winning some world championship or something..

However, the matter in hand is that I totally adore him for punching that idiot. He totally had it coming..A$$hole..

Hence I am now sitting in the cafe with my plate filled with food and happily annoying terry to spill out more details about JT..

" ....And he just walked out on Mer with doors to the Room wide opened, while she was busy striping down to her undies and she went running after him like that on to the hallway . She just didn't realize that we all were present there.."

" are you serious, I mean, yes I hate her but she has got a killer boddy.. Given a chance who wouldn't bang her...' I said thinking about what she had told me once..

"You are not good enough for any man. You will die without knowing what love is"

Everything has been edited
Thank you guys!! thanks for the reads and please vote and comment.

I will get to you as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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