"Uh, well, I was thinking that maybe we should do a purple background with a green mutation symbol," Erebus said. Elemental nodded, "Good idea. Any others?" The marvels shook their heads. "Well then it's our flag then!" Dynamo snorted, "Well back to the future. The Power are approaching." Elemental laughed, "Are you aware that the leaders of each faction wear an advanced self-modified soldier suit? Well, I'm no different."
"Overlord, sir!" a power shouted toward a figure in a Soldier Suit that was red and gold. Overlord turned around and glared at him the Power. "Yes???" he said slowly. "Ah, sir, maybe you should look outside." Sighing, Overlord meandered toward the front of the Power ChaseBoat. He looked outside, and inside, he gasped. He glared again at the Power as if it was his fault and said, "Get below the boat. This, is my battle."
Overlord approached a figure in a purple Soldier Suit. "Elemental," said Overlord, letting the word roll of his tongue as if it was a piece of gum stuck to his Soldier Suit boots. "Overlord," Elemental copying Overlord's lazy manner. Then, Elemental pulled out his Advanced PoisonPenentrate Rifle, while Overlord also pulled out his Advanced Infinite Rifle. They both glared at each other. Their concentration was broken by the sound of an airplane. Overlord glanced up, as he watched the Journey (now in airplane form) let down a plank, and the 8 marvels scramble on. "That's right little marvels, run," thought Overlord to himself. "Plink" the sound of a PoisonPenetrate bullet hitting his suit woke Overlord up. His suit was unlike the Soldier Suits his soldiers wore. If was naturally Advanced like Elemental's, and the bullet didn't penetrate and administer it's deadly poison. But, Overlord had to get out. Activating his rocket boots, he ran away as Elemental continued to try to shot him. Elemental put his rifle away, then activated his rocket boots. Landing on the withdrawing plank, he casually strolled into the Journey.
A fat rolling glob of mutated gelatin slurped toward the Original Marvels. It was an abomination. It's arms were to short, and had only three stubby fingers. It's gelatin was a mass and mix of colors and trash. It's eyes, beady and black, were too small for it's head. It's head was smashed and a spike of gelatin sat above it's eyes. It resembled a large, ugly, and multi-colored slug. With tiny, thick, and stubby legs. It's mouth was large and lopsided. The lips were thick and puffy, and it spook with difficulty. "Masteeerrrrr... Elllementaalllll wannnnnnnnttsss me........ to sssssssssshow you boaaaat. Yessss!" It then slowly went away, saying, "Follow.... meeee!"
"Thisss, isss dorms." hissed the abomination. It panted like a dog, a pale transparent tongue unrolling form it's mouth. "Andddd thissss.... is whereee you will live, until..... we..... reach Marvellll Islanddd." He waddled down the corridor. He pointed out the dining halls, and the temparory nursery. "Thisss... nurseryy... it.. temparory... when boattt dockss.... at islandd, the podss in nursery... well be transporrrrrrrrted... to the main island nursery..." At that point Erebus smirked and said, "Well Mr. Abomination, how do we do that?"
The abomination glared at Erebus with his tiny eyes, and said, "Secret... underground transporttt tubessss!" "Nowww... that'ss the captain's cabin..... and that's the enddd... goodd byee littllllee marvelsss..." snarled the Abomination as it slithered away. Erebus grinned, "Well good things that's over. Because that tour was making me.... boredddd." Erebus said mimicking the Abomoination's voice. "You shouldn't mock them," said a voice. The marvels jumped as Elemental approached them. "Imagine being born deformed and teased by the perfect organisms that are alive. Our society is based on talent, and their on the bottom. They feel rotten about it." Just then, the ship horn blew. Elemental smiled and said, "Looks like we arrived."
The Marvels #1 : The Marvel of Water
Science FictionWhat if you were the most wanted person in Seattle? Only what if you weren't human? Barco Venice a water marvel can explain that although he may be the #1 wanted "person" in the world, he is not that malicious.