CH 2

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Lincoln walked through the meeting room towards his partner, Mack. Sliding his fingers across the table being careful not to hit the paper folders place on it.

"We did it, Mack we just created time travel". He smirked at his own remark. As they just made every child's dream true as every event now open to them and even, just maybe, the future.

" yeah almost blew the world up though... But yeah we did it, and now here comes the fun part" he started " but you should take your seat the meeting is about to start

"You're right" Lincoln confirmed as he took a seat on a rolling office chair next to the round oval shaped table. He awaited for the others to enter.

Eight came in the room of a span of two minutes, first Jessica the botanist, she had black hair brown eyes, Caucasian. Wearing business skirt and top. She looked a little young for this job then again he was only twenty- two.

Next was Daniel, couldn't of been older than eighteen. Wow Lincoln thought are all of them going to be this young. He wore jeans and a red polo shirt. Wow we got a fancy one over hear he joked in his head.

Jackson Bevardo the military man, probably for security. He wore his military uniform on with medals strung up on it, colonel was indicated on the left side of his chest. The man was in his late forties gray hair apparent on his hair.

Rowdy Kick was the colonel's partner in military wearing military pants and under shirt with allowing the dog tags to hang, he had light brown hair and brown eyes.

The fifth was Rey Sanderz a astronomer she wore like the botanist a business skirt and  her hair was  black and on a pony tail, she had blue eyes she had a pearl necklace around her neck. She sat down

Then as Lincoln predicted. Lincoln came in the room, the other Lincoln. His brother, tall short black hair, grey eyes, wearing a dress shirt with its sleeves folded back. John Lincoln, the brother, was always the "better" of the two, he was more popular in shcool, got into every sport possible getting chosen team captain more than once. While on the other hand Eli Lincoln, himself was always the nerd in the corner, bullied all through school. John took his place waiting for his, special other.

The second from last was John's girlfriend, halana rivers, she was the classic high school sweet heart back in the day and well not much has change. Blonde, blue eyes, Chery red lips and wore a red dress as she had no business clothes but, later came to realize as seeing some of the others, especially Eli and Daniel, no one would care.

After another member showed up, Jacob they began the meeting.

"Ok people we all know why we're here, your team will go through the portal in approximately one hour." Mack begun" lead role will go as plan. John Lincoln will lead the mission. Stay together, DONT. KILL. ANYTHING." Mack insisted, "we don't want to cause a chain reaction that'll cause the end of this reality'

Jessica raised her hand " should I really be taking "samples then. " she asked curious.

"You're not, you're just going to take notes and pictures. We don't know what's deadly or what's important."

"Why, are they here?" Daniel nodded his head over to the marines next to him"

"Well they are here to..." Mack was interrupted by the colonel.

"To stop your ass from getting bit by any dino that takes a liking to you."

"Oh... well... Thank you" Daniel said shifting in his seat not sure how to take the response.

The rest of the meeting was about the endless list of saftey rules and regulations, making sure never to take off the suit, don't touch anything. they lost count how many times Mack would say " ...remember..." Or "... What ever you do don't..."

"Ok every one, you know are job, let's get this done." Mack told out.

" In the name of science!" Eli chimmed out jumping out of his chair enthusiastically, but sat back down when he realized, wrong time and place.

"Yes... Lincoln... in the name of science" Mack grumbly agreed "well, see you all you in twenty minutes"

The eight men and women got up and walked out the door. They walked towards the elevator. Barely squeezing through the elevator, john pushed the button. The "amazing" sound of "elevator" music glittered through the air in its up- beat rhythm. The door of the elevator opened and the people flooded out the tiny capsule and split off into two groups, man and women. They went to their locker room.

"Hey bro!" Eli called to his older brother, "good luck of there, and come back. No matter what."

"Ha you're not that Lucky to get rid of me that easy" john joked. Looking at Eli realizing that's not all that's wrong "hey, what's wrong?"

"Huh... I know you'll be back, its not that.... It's just... Huh, you know Neil Armstrong right?"

"Yeah duh." John answered confused. " first man on the moon. "

"Do you know who built the shuttle that got him there? Or even who designed it?"

"No, who?"

"Neither do I, that's the problem. I'm proud of you and all, but it's just. You're Neil Armstrong, I'm the guy that no one will remember."

"Oh I see, look you basically made time travel on your own almost, almost every equation, every theory, and part you created and designed. You going to be in every history book from now on, there probably even be a shcool named after you" john assured

"With you know, only a buck fifty above minimum wage." He let out the depressing bit of information. "And still schools are only named after the people who DID it not the people who made it possible."

"Look, you'll be remembered. This is to big for you not to be."

"Ok, thanks" Lincoln said not really feeling any better" now go suit up, I think you'll like the outfits."

They separated ways, as this would be they're last normal conversation they would ever have.

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