CH 6

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The portal rippled and tore through the time continuum. The vast machine kept it under control, it arched on either side and wrapped around the circular tunnel that lead to the past. "Objects passing through."

Lincoln looked to the engineer at the desk next to him, modering the read outs set out on the screen. "What do you mean there is still a half an hour left." He bent down next to the man to study the computer.

"I'm saying there's people coming through, 11 seconds." Security teams around the cement room raised their weapons at the gateway. One by one men and women came through. A wait filled the room as the rest looked back. Lincoln counted the metal figures now ripping of their helmets to breathed fresh air, some keeling over to vomet. He counted four missing. He looked at the portal, his brother was one of them.

He waited, and waited, a minute must of passed. It didn't look like he was coming.

As hope vanished, John rolled through the time rift falling to the ground on the other side of the ramp on his back. His chest wavered vertically up and down as his lungs sucked for air. He rolled himself up and looked to the portal, "shut it off..." emotion drained from his voice. His skin pale.

"W-w... what abou-" The younger brother asked, interrupted in mid sentence.

"I said, shut it off..." he walked past his brother. "there isn't any one else."

The portal wavered more veraciously, cracks in the water like portal appeared in absence of color. "sir"

"what happened out there?" Lincoln looked to the crowd what "What happened to the rest." his answer was the others turning their heads left and right. he turned to attempt to his older sibling again.

Cracks swallowed more of the portal and even grew out of the vortex. it reached out to items like a shadow, even it and even grew out into the to the air like objects yet still just cracks. Cracks in time "sir."

"Common bro talk to me, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, I... is there anything I can do." Eli asked trying to comfort his brother, he laid his hand on John's shoulder. He shrugged it off without answer and walked away.

"Sir!" The portal bent and snapped like rubber, a wave of energy exploded through the air and and hit every thing around it. People were thrown to the ground, things broke on contact mugs smashed computer monitors were removed from the counters and crashed against the cement floor. The portal diminished and the wave gone, the machine that created it was now in pieces, broken at the cracks.

"What the hell is going on in he-" Mack said as he walked in through the main doors. Mug of coffee in his right hand, doughnut in his left. He froze at the sight. "Well...shit."
Rey hindering a tree she heard the roar and screams at the entry sight. She waited as the beast tyrannisourus rex stomped by. She ran into the field looked around. They're gone. She heard a moan, male, in pain, she looked around and saw in the distance a man covered in blood leaning against a tree, Bervardo.

Rey ran to him and learned down, he had removed his helmet, not that it mattered do to his entry wounds that scared the armor plating and ruined the air tight seal. His graying black hair had a patch of red, blood.
Holes laid out through his body where he had been bit, four of them seem to of really done damage, the T-Rex didn't use all his force on the bite, lucky. His left leg seem to of been broken from the the "flight", overall though if he gets medical attention it doesn't look like he would die. Last time she check though, there wasn't very many hospitals 60 million years ago."Hey you okay?" She shook him by the shoulder, and got a groan as a response, his head rolled over lazily, eyes shot open at the sight of Rey.

"Well wasn't expecting to see you" he coughed, blood leaked from his mouth.

"Look like I missed the party. " she chuckled. Rey placed a hand on the wounded chest. "We need to get you some medical attention.

"Sorry missy, but I think we're there only humans for a few million years."
The colonel groaned as he laughed at his comment Pain struck every where on his body.

"They looked like they left in a hurry maybe they're left some medical supplies." She stood up and straightened the armor plate protecting her breasts that had shifted. dang these things are uncomfortable, she thought. "I'll be back in a few."

"Wait!" Jackson demanded, Rey stopped in her tracks and turned to him. He lifted his arm and groaned 'll the way in pain he reached behind him and reached for a holster, he pulled a pistol and lifted it, presenting it to her. It was a basic black military grade 9mm pistol. Rey twitched her head left and then she understood. "Just in case."

It took her about an hour she thought to get there But she was there, the entry sight.

She went and scavenged through backpacks and box some crushed from being underfoot of a 2 story tall dinosaur. She found a emergency medical kit, she figured this was a emergency, and picked it up. She noticed a crushed crate with a pump action tactical shotgun, she grabbed that as well, just in case. She rapped the med kit's strap around her shoulder as well as the weapon, and found a box of extra shells. She left towards where she came.

She stopped at the exit sight to look at the portal gun. Well it was a continuum particle enhancer mobile Ray kit and 3 rod tripod stand , but portal gun was easier. She maneuvered her hands around the Ray, she only got the basic layout of it so she was a little confused, dang why couldn't there be a Manuel. She slid her hand across her helmet grime and dirt remaind on the glass from the swipe, she groaned.

She gave up on the portal gun, which she assumed was dead. Great, she stood up. Looked up at the sky, it was starting to turn dark. Rey jogged up to Bervardo, and dropped the supplies that she was able to gather. Jackson had removed all the metal plating on his chest arms, so he was in a black undershirt with red spotches from blood.

Rey took the items in her hand and placed them on the grass beside her. she swiped dirt off that accumulated on her visor, well, so much for not touching any thing. "Ok take off your shirt and let me look at those wounds.

it was going to be a long wait.

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