CH 5

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Some places are good and some places are not so much. Time can also affect this. And they were neither in the right time, literally, or in the right place.

The humans lost in time ran through the forest, millions of years from their home. The seven ran through leaves they never should of touched. Ripped up dirt they should not of stepped on. Killed things beneath their feet. Ran from things that they should not of ever seen.

The group of seven ran through the forest with all their speed, adrenaline preventing anyone from falling behind. As they know those who fell behind, would stay behind. for good. John lead his team rampaging through the trees, trying to run from the up coming predators. He thought of a way to circle back to the portal to escape, Rey would have to find her own way. "Keep going!"

"There's no use they'll get your they're faster then us!" Daniel stated Surprised that they were not killed already. The team ran with no care of what had just said as they had one thing on their mind. Survive. Before John could lead to take another turn another "terrible Claw" leaped from a bush infront of them. He thought of a way out. But decided there was no other way, he pulled out his revolver and open fired. The bullet landed into the skull propelling the lizard to the ground as it made a screeching sound that was a mix between a bird squirreling and a reptile.

Another one of the bushes to his left and he had no choice but to stop and fired on that one too. The rest of the survivers stopped and formed a triangle of the military personal and Lincoln at the corners. Colonel and the lieutenant brought up their rifles and took their stand. They guns cried a loud noise as bullet casings hit the ground. The terrible claws were getting closer and closer and closer before being bombarded with led. The colonel fired into a group of three until his clip of the rifle ran dry. He plopped his finger on the button, by the side of the weapon and the clip slid out on its own free will, gravity pulled it to the ground. There was a up coming dinosaur in front of him he dropped the assault rifle and pulled out a 9mm pistol and fired three shots. The terrible Claw dropped to the ground, skidding through the wet dirt, stopping before it's killers feet. The colonel could here another pistol being fired, Rowdy's clip must of ran out to.

John fired upon the prehistoric creatures, all coming in different sizes. He fired his eighth shot. He was out. He awaited for the terrible claws to come and end the fight but it was stopped with a sound of a triumphant roar. The smaller dinosaurs stopped in their tracks looked at each other. made a couple squabble noises and turned around going in full velocity.

"We need to go, now" John insisted he was rewarded with head nods from both Jacob and Daniel. The group formed a tight group once more and marched to there only hope, the portal. As they stepped they were stopped by another roar. crunch of logs, falling trees broke from their roots in the distance, a sound that even birds and flying lizards tried to escape gliding through the air.

The humans lost in time took no further time to go once more, nothing more then shear fear driving them to the portal.


They made it to a flat area in a ring of trees, a simmer held in the air. They had made, safety. So they thought. They ran to the glimmer of hope. "What now" Jessica asked coughing and out of breath. Coughing up heaving saliva buildup.

"Now..." Lincoln pulled the pack from his back, pulled out a rod and put his hand on three kick stands spreading them out and planting them on the ground. He twisted nobs that wrapped the frame. And flipped a lit up red switch. He pulled out a little remote from his belt, and plugged a wire attached to it and into a port of the top of the back of the machine. The wire gave a reach of two feet.

"Look! And entire two feet of room!" John chuckled and then pressed a button. The tip of the rod glowed a translucent red and propelled a light towards the simmer of the portal.

The simmer grew more visible over time, it grew a blue tinge. I think it's ready was what Lincoln announced before they were interrupted.

The trees behind them broke crashing into the ground, a God to all lizards. Soar through the opening, giving a just as mighty roar. The Tyrannosaurus Rex ran for its new found prey, it's feet left cracks and imprints with every step on the grassy soil. And head first, it attacked.

"NOW!" He pulled his fellow comrades through one by one. Jessica was first. Slowly entering the blue simmer walking in to only disappear. Jacob was next , entering through slowly just like Jessica.

Rowdy and colonel fired their auto rifles with fresh clips of ammunition. Unfortunately Bullets having little effect against the tyrants thick reptilian skin.

The lizard moved  unproportionally fast to its huge body. The Lizard sheared it's banana sized teeth into the armor of the colonel swung him up and flung him to the left, the colonel made contact with a tree a dropped to the ground.

Rowdy took this time to run to the portal and jumped into it disappearing. Hannah and John were left. Hannah went for the portal but was then surrounded by teeth. The Tyrannosaurus bit down on her top half and snapped the massive jaws shut. There was a female shreaked, then there was silence.

It flung the now deceased body to the ground for later consumption. It went for another bite, Lincoln this time, but he rolled with his reflexes and found safety from the bite.

Lincoln looked at his dead loved one teared up and burst into a moment of complete depression, screaming for his lover. But the predator did not stop it stomped its feet around went for another bite.

Instinctively Lincoln ducked and spun around the ground, and got up, he ran under the mighty beasts feet, dropped to a slide. And slid into the portal.

He had survived. for now.

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