Chapter 15: Call from dad.

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"Excuse me?" I said still bewildered of what he just asked me. "What is love?" L repeated.

Why would he ask me that ? Couldn't he ask Watari or anyone else.

"Why don't you ask Watari?" "By how he reacted to my last question doesn't encourage me to do so." "Why? What did you ask him?" he stayed silent for some time before widening his eyes and telling me to forget about it.

It was rather weird for him to tell me that just after that whole situation but I accepted anyways. It is not like I would like to explain the meaning of love to him.

Even though I like him. WHAT?! Weird. Really weird.

(L's p.o.v)

I remembered seeing a film one day with one person telling a girl he loved her and the girl kissed her! And on the lips! If I told Y/n that, according to Watari, I loved her, she might have the same reaction. Not that I don't want it to happen but she might.

Oh god. I am really falling for

(time skip to 1:42 am)

By that time, Y/n was sleeping. I decided to search for the meaning of love on my computer. It was in fact what I thought. It describes love as the romantic feeling you get when you are near someone that means much to you.

I heard Y/n's phone ring and I looked at my room. I still have those cameras. Not because I suspect her or anything. It's just for protection.

She seemed to be talking on the phone with someone when suddenly she burst out crying. I rushed to her to comfort her and when she saw me, she ran to hug me.

(Your p.o.v)

I was sleeping in bed when suddenly, I heard my phone ring. I answered the call but I regret doing so.

"Hello?" "Y/n, oh my sweet Y/n. You are still alive." I could recognise this voice in a million others. It was my dad. He was still alive. But how did he find me?

"How did you find me?" I said fighting against the tears that were forming in my eyes.

He ignored my question. "You have no idea how much I missed you." I burst out crying and shouted at him.

"You are a liar. That is what you are. Nothing else. All those years you've hated me and you know what? I. Hate. You. So get out of my life."

I hung up and brought my legs to my chest, crying on my knees. The door opened and there was L. He had a concerned look plastered on his face.

Without thinking, I ran to him and hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder. At first, he flinched a little bit but then relaxed and hugged me back, petting my hair.

"Shhh. Its okay. I'm here now. Can you tell me what happened?" I pulled back and nodded. I told him everything while he kept nodding, his thumb on his lower lip.

"I think you should meet him. He may have really changed." I was taken aback by what he said. He thought that this monster could change. I know him too well. He never changed and never will.

I shook my head 'no' vigorously. "N-no. I don't want to. You don't know the monster he is." He pulled me in another hug. Wow. L is actually hugging me. I was always the one to make the first move but this time, it was him. It actually felt pleasant.

"If this is so hard for you, I won't force you." L really has changed. He is starting to show his emotions.

"I know you've been through a lot and I don't want this to worsten." I thanked him for being able to understand me.

(A/n: I was going to post this chapter with a thank you for 350+ reads but it seems it already became 400+ reads!! Thank you guys so much.)

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