Chapter 21: Confession.

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(Your p.o.v)

"What?!" How the hell did she know that Ryuga is L. "How did you get his number?" She looked at me and smirked."I would not be a good stalker if I did not even have the number of my preys. Plus, I hacked his computer to get information about him and it turns out he was actually L. I'm pretty good in technology, you know. But don't worry, I'm on your side."

I don't know if I can really trust her but that is the only option I have for now. If she did want to leak out information, she would have already done it.

I was braught back to reality by Neha talking. "Hello? Ryuga? Y/n li- Hey!" I quickly snatched the phone from her and talked. "L, its me, Y/n. Code 37." L quickly replied. "Stay where you are. I'm coming." He then hung up.

I looked at Neha and she asked."What's code 37?" I sighed and explained. "This is the code for the situation where someone not working for the SPK task force found out secret information about L." She simply nodded. "So, L is coming here, huh?" She said with a smirk on her face as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"You should be more concerned about yourself than me. L is going to arrest you if you shared that information to anyone." "Well, I'm not gonna be arrested because I did not tell anyone." I just shrugged and sat down on my bed, waiting for L to come.

After 2 mins and 36 sec, he finally came. He opened the door and directly went to Neha. He came close to her face and examined her figure, a lollipop in his mouth. He told me to get out of the room and I did so. I waited in the kitchen trying to find a piece of cake for L.

(L's p.o.v)

"What do you know about me." Neha gulped and stuttered." T-that y-you're L." I tilted my head to the side. "Anything else?" "Only some unrevealing details about Kira." " How did get that information and did you share it?" " No, I did not share it and I hacked your computer." "Why?" "So that I could get your phone number." "Why?" "Because I stalked you." "Why?" "Because I ship you and Y/n and I needed information to confirm that you are otp and you guys really are otp!" She started to fangirl at the last part.

" What do you mean by you ship me and Y/n and what is otp?" "It means that I think you and Y/n would make a great couple and otp means one true pairing." My eyes widened at her explanation and I start to blush like crazy.

Neha smirks at my reaction. "I know you like her, L. It is too obvious." She is pretty clever.  "I-I... U-uh y-yeah..." I stuttered looking down.

"Relax, L. She likes you too. She told me today. But now she is getting pretty angry because you are letting her go like that. You must tell her already because if you don't, she will be heartbroken." My head shot up and I looked at her in the eyes. "Y-you think so?" Her eyes softened and she nodded.

(Your p.o.v)

I finally found a piece of green apple flavoured cake. "How did I ever think of making a green apple flavoured one?" I thought out loud as I took a handful in my mouth. "Is it good?" I turned around to see L looking at me blankly. My face flushed. 'Why am I feeling so nervous.'

I could tell he was nervous too because his arms were shaking. But why would L be nervous. He came to my side and its when I could see his blush. 'L was actually blushing!' "Where is Neha?" "She left. She is cleared and her mouth will be shut." I nodded asked him if he wanted a piece of cake but he refused.

Okay, this is wierd. L would never refuse cake. I sat on the kitchen table and finished eating the piece of  cake. I washed my hands that are now cream free and sat back on the kitchen counter.

L started to walk right then left then right then left... He suddenly stopped and faced me. "I have to tell you something." I nodded and told him to go on. "I-I uh..." "You..?" "I like you." "What?!" He did it.  He did it!

"I did from the first time I saw you. I love the way you smile at me, talk to me, I like the smell of your hair. It smells good. Just like your cakes. Those you used to share with me at the roof top. I really regret what I did there. I should have told you how I felt. I felt like hugging you and keep you for myself and never let you go. And now I'm scared. I'm scared that you leave me alone. I don't want this to happen. I love you, Y/n. Also you are very pretty and your eyes are gorgeous and-"

I stood up and shut him up with a kiss. I could feel his body tense but relax after some seconds. He kissed me back wraping his arms around my waist, bringing me closer to him. My hands were wrapped around his neck as I closed my eyes, savouring the moment. After some time, we pulled away, panting for air. "I love you too."

(A/n: Finally! It happened. L told you how he felt. Well, you can take this chapter as a thank you gift for 600+ reads!!)

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