Chapter 14: Falling in... love?

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(A/n: As soon as I posted my last chapter, I reached 300+ reads and 50+ votes. Thanks so much. Never thought I would have so much reads.)

(L's p.o.v)

We jumped off the car and Y/n took off her shoes and started running on the muddy grass. I smiled and joined her.

After 15 mins, we went back into the car, our clothes soaked wet. Y/n immediately fell asleep.

I looked at Y/n again to see her shivering. Not knowing what to do, I hugged her tightly so that my warmth can be transmitted to her.

That feeling came back again. It seems like every time I am near to Y/n, I get that feeling. Maybe she is sick and has transmitted her disease to me.

We stayed like that until Watari finally reached the hotel where I lived. He turned his head to look at me and froze when he saw me hugging Y/n.

"What?" He looked at me for a few more seconds and he shook his head and said that we arrived. I nodded and stopped hugging Y/n. She immediately woke up and asked what happened.

"After we ran in the rain, you immediately fell asleep and you started shivering. So I embraced my thermal energy over your body to warm you up."

She processed the information for some moment before asking "You mean that you hugged me?" She had a visible blush on her face. I simply nodded and got out of the car.

Y/n joined me and we went in the elevator. I put my hand in my pocket and took out two lollipops. I gave one to Y/n and she kindly accepted it before thanking me.

I looked at her to see her slightly blushing.

"You look very nice in that dress." I said, anxious of what she was going to say. "Thank you. You look very handsome too. It is the first time I saw you wearing anything else apart from baggy blue jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt."

I chuckled to her answer. Wait what? I actually laughed? This girl is really changing me. I will have to ask Watari if my unusual behaviours are symptoms of any disease.

We reached our destination and got out of the elevator and to my room.

"I'm going to take a bath if that is alright." Y/n said. I nodded and went to the computer room so that I could work a bit.

Watari came in and gave me dry clothes to wear. Just before he could go away, I decided to ask him about my potential illness.

"Watari, is Hailin ill?" "Not in my knowledge. Why?" I shrugged. "I just was afraid that she might have transmitted her disease to me because of the weird behaviours I have around her."

Watari had a smirk on his face. "And what exactly are those weird behaviours?" "Well,-" I stopped to wear my usual shirt "- my heart beats faster when I am around-" I wore my pants"- her and I start to have a pain there when she leaves."

Watari's smirk widened. "My, my Ryuzaki. It seems like you are falling in love for Y/n." I chocked on the piece of cake I was currently eating and looked at him. He chuckled and left the room.

(Your p.o.v)

I took a bath and wore my f/c jeans and grey shirt and went to the computer room to work.

"Hey, L." "Hello." I sat next to him and started working on my laptop. Until now, we found out that there is a high probability that Imagay is Kira and Amane is the second. Also, the second kira doesn't need a name to kill. He or she but most probably she only needs a face.

While I was trying to get further theories, L kept glancing at me from time to time.

When I finally noticed that, I looked at him and smiled."Is there a problem?"

He stared at me for 15 sec and asked "What is love?"

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