Chapter 4

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I sigh as I peeked beside the wall and saw kurama went to the other way. I then completely lean to the wall, lightly hitting the back of my head when I have looked up "ugh! what am I doing?"

I dragged my feet to move as I hold on to my books tighter, its been a week since Im avoiding kurama and I terribly miss him but that night change everything.I realized something important I should of realized sooner, that I (your/name) is inlove with kurama..

I love him from the start, everything is clear to me now; why I wanted to train so much, thats because I want to help and protect him just like how he protects me. thats why I get irritated with all the girls who has been chasing him because I was jealous, why I don't study on my own is because I wanted to study with him, to spend more time with him..

and now Im scared and confused, I don't know what to do thats why im avoiding him. I was busy with my thoughts when I bump into someone. "im sorry I didn't see you" I then smile when I saw that it was keiko.

"are you ok (your/name)?"keiko asked "im fine" I simply said then we started walking together it took me some minutes before i've decided to tell her. "hey keiko.. um.. its just that I wanted to ask some advice, if what im doing is right or um.."

she looked at me with a smile "is this about you avoiding kurama?" I stopped walking and was a bit taken back "h-how did you know?" she stopped walking too and faced me. "he told us, when we were all together yesterday, he really is worried about you. thats actually why im here to ask you whats wrong"

I just continued walking and she follows right behind me "you started acting like this after the Pocky game, were you uncomfortable? or are you mad?" I laugh faintly "no keiko, no no.. its just that I realized something" she pulled my arm so we are both facing each other, she crossed her arms over her chest and starts to tap her foot. "and that is?"

I sigh in defeat knowing that she won't stop until I tell her and I do need some advice so here it goes! I inhaled deeply first before saying "I LOVE KURAMA! t-there I said it. and I don't know what to do, im scared to let him know coz what if he doesn't feel the same way and the worst is! what if it ruins our friendship?!"

she hugged me tight as she giggles "oh thank god! tell him how you feel, I promise you, you won't regret it!" she squealed excitedly like there's something she isn't telling me so I raised my eyebrows at her "No way! what if.. " she covers my mouth "(your/name) I know you don't want to ruin your friendship but how will you know the answer to your worries if you wont tell him"

I stomped my foot as I walk away "fine and thanks keiko!" I yelled out before I started running. ugh its hard when what she said is the only right thing I can do about this.

I kept on running wanting to be alone but then the streets look so familiar I had to stop, my feet brought me infront of kurama's house.. I am sweating and panicking already, what if kurama sees me?

im about to run again when kurama called my name, he's with his mom and they just arrived, I tried to look normal at least for Ms, shiori. "(your/name) good thing you're here, I'll be making some dessert what would you like" his mom is really a nice person but kurama looks like he wanted to corner me right now and im just not ready to talk yet, I need a little bit of time, I smiled and bowed "Im sorry, I can't stay and help and all.. maybe some other time"

I saw kurama's face turn sad and I can't take it that im the reason why his sad thats why I added quickly "im just here to tell shuichi to come over later if he can" kurama then smiled and so did his mom "I'll be there (your/name)" im happy to see him smiling again. "right. see ya. Good bye Ms, shiori and shuichi"

I groan as I throw my alarm clock, its already 10pm and im still waiting for kurama to arrive. I've been rolling on to my bed for awhile now and everytime I look at the clock and sees that its getting late makes me more crazy and nervous about this.

I then hugged the pillow tight when all of the sudden I heard a light tap from the window. I immediately sit up and look at the window and saw kurama there, standing on the branch. I quickly open the window and step aside so he can enter my room.

"you're such an idiot! there's a door downstairs, you could have fallen climbing all the way up here" I scolded him and he smiled apologetically. "im sorry for coming here late and for using the window but I know that your mom is already asleep" I nodded and gestured for him to sit on the bed.

"(your/name) why are you avoiding me?" he looked into my eyes so intently I almost got lost into his breath taking eyes again. I looked away as I sit on the bed then he followed me and sit as well waiting for my answer.

"Im sorry for avoiding you kurama, I just realized how much.. i-i.. how I... i love you" I looked down scared to see his reaction. since I didn't hear him say anything I continued "Im scared what your reaction will be or if you will distance yourself from me when you find out. im trying to figure out what to do thats why I was avoiding you"

when I looked up to check on him since he wasn't saying anything, he was just smiling I tilted my head in confusion but before I could ask he open a pack of pocky and took one, he bite the other end while smirking and gesturing for me to take the other end, I hesitantly took a small bite still confused. we stared into each others eyes, he took a bite then I did too, I got hypnotized by his eyes again as I feel my cheeks starting to blush. he bite a bigger one this time making our lips just an inch away.

im sure that I forgot how to breath. before I can even make a move he took the pocky out of the way and kissed me directly, the fast beating of my heart calm Down, we both closed our eyes and deepen the kiss while holding each other.

after a moment we both look at each other smiling "and I love you too (your/name)" I feel so overwhelmed and might think im dreaming but this is real! kurama feels the same way !

he wrapped his arms around me very tight "I thought you were avoiding me because you got mad or feel awkward about it, I regret playing that game but now im really glad that we did" I hugged him tighter. "I love you kurama" I said it again with full of love while looking into his eyes. "I love you more (your/name)" he planted a soft kiss on my lips again.

he stands up and offers his hand I took it and stands as well  "now lets go, i've got a surprise for you" he said excitedly. "where to?" he chuckled and carried me bridal style. "you'll see"

he jumped out from the open window while carrying me, while I hold on to him tighter.

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