Authors note

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I promise this wouldn't be long and I don't break any promises, well I do sometimes hehe but yeah I'll try that I won't make this long. 'Coz I'm certain, you'll be bored. Sooo.....just in advance, I wanna warn you if there are mistakes like the grammars and spellings because for god's sake, people makes mistakes and NOBODY IS PERFECT. And please bear with me 'til the end of this story and I really really hope you vote every chapter of this story well, if you want. If u want. Really just vote every chapter, comment (not necessarily comment every chapter but If you want then you're more than ok to do that) and share this to your friends because my goal for 2016 is to have at least 50 votes and 30 comments. Also my birthday is approaching so it could be that your birthday presents to me are votes to reach my goal. It would be because of you my little minions, if you do it anyway:( DON'T BE A SILENT READER OK?! So this is it for now and love ya my minions:*


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