Chapter Two

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He said that he liked a girl. Her name was Thalia as well. As soon as I heard that I burst out laughing. I couldn’t stop!

“What’s so funny?” Fred asked.

“Oh nothing…Just that Ginny thought….Ginny thought…that…that you liked ME!” I managed to get out.

“Why on god’s green earth would she think that?!”

“Because she overheard you telling Fred about this Thalia girl, thinking it was me.”

“Oh! No, this girl isn’t in your year. She is in mine, and she is a Hufflepuff. Plus, her name is spelled T-A-L-I-A, without the H like yours is.”


Anyway, it turns out that he just wanted my opinion on how to ask her out. I gave him a few ideas, we hugged, and then I went up to the room I am sharing with Hermione and Ginny.

Ginny pulled me onto a bed and started quizzing me about what had happened. As I told her, her face started to become as red as her hair. She always blushes when she is wrong. I then had to tell Hermione the same story.

The rest of the night was very uneventful. When I woke up, I noticed that the room was empty. I figured that they had all gone down to breakfast, so I got up and got ready for the day. I ended up choosing this (

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and saw everyone sitting around the dining room table. I sat down in the seat between Harry and Hermione and started to eat.

After we were all done eating, we left for Diagon Alley by Floo Powder. I didn’t really like it. Once we were all in the Alley we split up to get our school stuff. First though, Harry and I went to Gringotts to get some Galleons out of our vault. After that was done Harry, Hermione, Ron and I went into the robe store. While we were there we saw Draco Malfoy and his dearest mummy, Narcissa. What a foul git he is. He smirked at us, looked me up and down, and winked. As if I would even think about him like that! How repulsing!


After we got all of our shopping done and went back to the Burrow we all played a nice game of Quidditch. Harry and I are both on the Gryffindor team, as are Fred and George. Once we finished the game up, we all hopped into bed. I don’t know about the others, but I was sooo tired, that as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.

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