Chapter Three

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“Come on Thalia!” Harry yelled up the stairs, “We have to leave soon and you’re still getting ready!”

“Well excuse me,” I said, “I’d like to look good for the first day!”

“You have to change into your robes anyway! What’s the point of looking good?”

“I am a lady! I just want to look good.” I replied, as a straightened out my shirt and headed down the stairs to Harry. I decided to wear this today. (

He met me at the bottom of the stairs and pulled me into the car. If you thought that six of us were a tight squeeze coming to get Harry and me, imagine the nine of us all packed in, plus the luggage. Thank our lucky stars for magic! But because of the magic, it was actually pretty spacious.

Once we got to Kings Cross in London, we each grabbed a luggage cart and went through the wall to Platform 9 ¾ and jumped on the Hogwarts Express. But we couldn’t leave without a bunch of hugs, a few kisses on the forehead, and a whole bunch of goodbyes to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley first.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and I made our way into a train car. Ginny left to sit with some of her other friends. She wanted me to come, but I declined because I haven’t been feeling well so I wanted to sit with Harry. I told her I’d be down there soon though. I sat next to Harry and laid down on the remaining seats. After about an hour I got up and started walking to where Ginny was sitting with her friends. I passed by Draco Malfoy’s car and he glanced up and saw me. He quickly got up and followed me to an empty car.

“What do you want Draco?” I asked.

“I want you.” He said simply.

“Mm how about no.” I replied.

“How about yes.” He said as he slowly came closer towards me.

I backed up as far as I could go. But then, he left just as quickly as he had come. How odd, I though.

I walked down to Ginny’s car and sat in the seat next to her.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

“Better” I replied, still trying to comprehend what Draco did.

“That’s great!”

I glanced around the room and noticed Seamus kept glancing at me. I had always had a little bit of a crush on him, and I blushed when I caught his gaze. I gave him a small smile and blushed even more, because he blushed when I smiled.


I glanced out the window and saw a quick glimpse of Hogwarts. I said bye to everyone in Ginny’s car, and said that I would see them at school. I walked back to Harry’s car and changed into my Gryffindor robes. I gathered up all of my stuff and when the train stopped Harry helped me take it all off the train and put in on the car with the thestrals and we made our way to Hogwarts.

Once we got to the common room Hermione and I said goodbye to Harry and Ron and went up to the girls’ rooms. Luckily, the girls each get their own rooms and don’t have to share, like the boys do. I told Hermione to come get me when it was time for dinner so we could walk with Harry and Ron.

First I moved my furniture around to how I liked it. Once that was done I unpacked my trunk and everything else. By then it was time for dinner and Hermione came to get me. We walked down into Gryffindor common room and saw the boys. Harry led us out of the tower, and towards the Great Hall. It looked beautiful. I always think it looks the best on the first night back. Maybe that’s just because I haven’t seen it since before break, but it always takes my breath away on that first night. It’s beautiful with the floating candles; it casts a soft glow on everything.

I slid into the space between Harry and Ron, with Hermione sitting across from us. Harry gave my waist a squeeze and Ron tickled me. I giggled and then I noticed Malfoy glaring at us. I gave him a confused look and turned towards Ron and slapped him lightly on the arm for tickling me. He faked a great wound, like I had just shattered his bone of given him a huge bruise.


God, I thought, why is she so pretty. And why is HE touching her. I guess Harry can, because they’re family, but why RON? Of all people to flirt with, why HIM?! Why not me. Why. Why. Why. Oh well, I guess I can use Pansy Parkinson until I get Thalia.


After dinner we went back up to the common room. We threw a bit of a homecoming party, you could say. I talked, laughed, and just hung out. I went up to bed around 11 though because we have our classes tomorrow. I fell into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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