Getting older

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Hi! I'm just gonna continue this... But in this chapter you guys are reading Bill and Will are 15 so lets just continue reading before my fingers start typing random words.


Bill strode through the village in hopes for a quiet, peaceful place. He decided to go to the forest to adventure a bit. Bringing his journal and quill pen with him. Along with his messenger bag that held most of his things, like a mini first aid kit, his reading glasses, a little knife, oddly another spare of clothing's, snacks; cookies, cheese and crackers, and a bottle of water.

Bill snuck through an antique store to the back, and out he went into the forest. He knew the place pretty well by now. The most visited place he went to was the pond. The demon at least went there two days a week. Which was Mondays and Saturdays just to enjoy the days he wasn't working. Bill hummed a tune that his mother would sing on stormy nights, or when his father was on a fishing trip. Not that he actually missed his parents, he couldn't help but think he's never had a friend. He's only ever had a girlfriend, and they've never entertained him as much. So the demon would say he's gay or pan.

A crack of a stick broke the song that Bill was humming. He snapped his head up to look at who or whatever made that sound, only to see a boy with curly chestnut brown hair. He was wearing a blue tail coat that had a Pine Tree on the back and front, with black slacks. He looked around the same age as Bill, maybe even younger. He seemed to be panting like he had just been running.

"Uhm...hi...?" Bill broke the defining silence that he never liked. Standing up he walked over to the boy with his messenger bag hanging over his shoulder, just in case he needed to aid the human, but it didn't look like it as Bill got closer.

"You gotta hide me." The boy whispered, running behind Bill for protection from whatever was chasing him.

"Hide you from what?" Bill questioned, looking to direction the brunette had been running from, they both heard footsteps coming closer by the second, so the king picked up the mysterious boy and flew up onto a tree branch, the boy let out a gasp when Bill landed carefully on the branch.

"Dipper!!" A female voice shouted out the boys name, Bill looking down to see a girl that looked like a female version of the boy, she was wearing a long beautiful pink dress that had shooting stars on the tips of the dress and on the stomach part, lots of ribbons and laces streaming from it, her hair at least down to her waist that looked brushed nicely, as a crown laid neatly upon her head.

Dipper let out a growl and turned away from her direction, arms folded over his chest, eyes closed angrily. He seemed to be mad at her for something, maybe about someone?

"Who's that?" Bill whispered to Dipper, still holding him in his arms, the boy's legs on both sides of the blondes hips.

"My sister." He whispered back trying not to get her attention.

"Are you mad at her?" He looked at Dipper as he asked the question.



"Shes the queen of Pines Falls Kingdom." Dipper pouted, fixing a crown that he wore with his features.

"Oh..." Said the demon, looking back down at the lady, "What's her name?" He asked,

"Mabel Pines..." Dipper shifted in his spot to glare at her again, then craning his head to look up at Bill with a blush glittered on his cheeks,

"Are you twins?"

"Yes, again." The brunette let out a giggle, covering his mouth with his hand, eyes shut cutely.

"Oh...I can very much tell." Bill gave a chuckle letting the boy sit beside him on the branch, fixing his own crown.

After You Showed Up (Billdip) -Changed Title-Where stories live. Discover now