(7) Dots

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Yawning, I turned over in bed and sighed. I still felt tired, but I had to get up... You can't keep the bros waiting. As I sat up and swung my feet over the side of the bed, something caught my eye.

Or rather, something I noticed wrong with my eyes.

Towards the top right corner of my vision was a small, white dot. I knew it wasn't just in the room because it went where ever I looked. I was a little worried about it, but I knew it was probably nothing serious. I knew that after a few minutes or maybe an hour it would go away... right?

I got up and headed for the kitchen, feeling rather hungry after staying up so late. Last night had been Cry's livestream night, and even though he might not know this, I always stick around for the first couple of hours... The sound of my stomach growling pulled me away from my thoughts and toward the pantry.

I still feel lazy, I don't wanna make anything...

Sighing, I reach for the cabinets and pull out a bag of chips. I didn't bother to look at the flavor, only caring that I had something to fill me. And that's when I noticed it.

Towards the bottom left of my vision, dot number two had decided to make an appearence.

I began to feel panicky, but then again that was stupid. They had to be something minor, like the specks in your vision you get from staring at a light to long... but I had just woken up, and there wasn't any lights on in the house...

I wearily went to the living room and sat down, mumbling to myself as I turned on the tv and got comfortable.  That's when I saw dot number three...

I blinked, seeing if that would do anything to rid myself of these unknown spots, and to my surprise they faded slightly before returning to full color. This gave me an idea.

If anyone would have walked into the living room at that moment, they would have seen me staring at the tv and blinking fiercely. It might have looked a little odd, but it seemed to be working. That is, it seemed to be working, if only at first...

Then something else started to happen. With each blink, with each flash of darkness, another dot appeared... I watched in horror as more and more dots showed up, for I was unable to keep my eyes open forever. I waited till my eyes felt dry and I couldn't help but blink, trying to put off the indefinate whiteness for as long as possible.

Then I thought of something else. By now it felt like a battle to keep my sight, and I was starting to lose hope. So, the next time I blinked, I simply kept my eyes closed.

I thought that maybe if I didn't blink, no more dots could appear. It seemed logical... but then again, nothing about my situation made sense to me... I opened my eyes to see if it had worked, but ended up groaning in terror.

The dots had still continued to appear, eyes closed or not. The whiteness was surrounding me, and the fear I had grew as I laid down on the couch. To much of my vision was gone to function properly  now, and all I could do was lay down and except it.

All I could do was wait. And as it seemed like a torturous idea at the time, but to actually experience it was much worse. It wasn't long before a throbbing pain started in my head as well...

After only a short time of ten minutes, I found myself completely blind. I couldn't do anything anymore, all I could do was face my fear in a panicky state of mind.

Then a noise started in the whiteness. At first I thought it was another symptom of whatever was happening to me, but then I recgonized it as music. Really familliar music...

Cry's ringtone. My phone, I need my phone. I could talk to him about this crazy thing that was happening to me, and his voice might bring some comfort...

But as much as I wanted to pick up my phone and have Cry ask me to make videos with him or talk about his livestream, I just couldn't do it. I was blind, incompacitated. As my hand ran over items on the coffee table in front of the couch as I desperately tried to find it, I started to cry.

This was unfair, why... why was this happening to me? W-What did I do?

The phone stopped ringing and the room fell silent once more. I let out a shaky sigh and stared up at the ceiling, or where I thought it was anyways. I closed my eyes to see blackness instead of the brightness that had taken over my vision, When I opened my eyes, I gasped in horror.

One black dot, right where the first white one appeared... Trembling, I lie completely still. B-Blackness? But... why?

It occured to me that I might be dying, that I might have some sort of unknown disease, but now my mind had started to go white as well. I couldn't think straight, my mind was going blank...

I sat there unthinking as dot after new dot appeared, changing my vision once more. There was nothing I could do, and nothing I could see that would help me... nothing to see and nothing I could do...

My thoughts started to repeat as it was the only thought I could focus on, and I watched, very scared, as the last speck of whiteness slowly faded from veiw. Now I was left in complete blackness, and I began to feel numb. N-No, I can't be dying... This can't be happening...

I was on complete shut down, and I lay there still unmoving, my eyes not blinking once. I don't think I could have moved anyways, I felt so weak... Actually, I might have moved, but I was too numb to feel it...

But then I did feel myself move. My eyes drifted open, even though I had never closed them. Everything seemed to be different, and as feeling returned, it didn't seem as if I was in the living room, or even on my couch...

I thought it was a miricle when my vision started to unblur. I could see again, I could see and move. I waited till I was completely feeling like myself again before I sat up. I was right, I wasn't in my living room. I was in my bedroom, still under my comforter.

I felt so happy. It must have been a dream, or rather a nightmare, but none the less it wasn't real! I couldn't believe that such fear I felt could exist, because even I had never felt so scared before, even though I play horror games for a living.

I sat up on the edge of my bed and looked around, and it felt creepy to do the same exact thing as before, but then I saw it. I went completely still, frozen in place as I became scared once more, maybe even more than before...

One white dot, in the upper right corner of my vision...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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