(3) Fear

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~Pewdie Pov~


Cry and I had been walking for a couple hours now. Along the way we had found a few weapons on the ground, hidden here and there.

We don't remember how we got here, just the fact that we were now together, walking along the streets of an abandoned city, hours after we had woken up together in a strange apartment.

----------FLASH BACK----------

"Uhhh... My head... Where... Where am I?" This was all I could say, as my head was throbbing with excruciating pain. It was... It was so painful I think I fainted right after that, falling asleep yet again... Yes, I must have... Because I think I remember waking up a second time...

The next time I woke up, I tried to move and noticed I was on a filthy couch. The pain had sub-sided, and I found myself able to look around.

"Ah, your awake." I heard a familiar voice from nearby, one that I wish I could hear every second of everyday.

"Cry..?" I look up to see my masked friend crouched besides the couch, temptingly close by. His mask was a little dirty, but still the same old mask he always wore during our Skype calls. I find myself wanting to see what he looks like more and more each day...

"Where are we Cry?" I ask, and sit up. As I move a little to quickly, the pain slightly returns, causing me to wince.

"I don't know..." He replies, "...but are you ok?" His voice is full of concern for me... He must have seen the pain in my eyes... I sigh and look at the straight, emotionless line drawn on Cry's mask to resemble a mouth, and wonder what his real lips look like... Or even taste like...

I mentally shake myself and try to pull my mind back to reality. I look down at my feet and reply to Cry,

"Y-Yeah, it's... It's just that I woke up with this massive headache..."

He looks at me and sighs in relieve. I wonder just why he would do this when he pulls out a bottle of pills.

"Thank god. I thought something else was wrong... When I woke up I had a bad headache as well, so I went to the apartment's bathroom and started rummaging through the medicine cabinet. I found a bottle of migraine pills and took some. I saved the bottle just in case I needed them for something else. When I came back to the living room I found you laying on the couch, and decided to wait for you to wake up, thinking it would be rude to bother you."

I could just barely see the corners of his mouth erupt into a smirk behind his mask as he handed me the pills. That's just like him, to look after me. I don't know why, but it's always Cry who seems to comfort me, to take care of me. It was one of the many reasons why I secretly loved him.

"How long did you wait for me...?" I didn't know why I asked this, but I felt my curiosity get the better of me.

"I dunno, four, maybe five hours?" God... He waited that long?

"Well, come on." Cry said, "We won't find out what happened if we keep standing here." I smile at him. It's just like Cry to make everything seem ok.

-------END OF FLASH BACK-------

I pull myself away from my thoughts as I hear Cry, in the distance shouting,

"Pewds! Watch it!"

That's when I felt something hard hit my head.


~Cry Pov~


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