I'm sorry

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Carl's POV:
The night came and we all went out. Lights went on our neighborhood and I decided to go home. I walked upstairs and hear Judith cry. When I unlocked the door, I grabbed her and went down the kitchen and fed her her baby food. Then someone knocked on the door. I went there to check out who it was. I opened the door and saw Zoey.
"Hi..." She said and came in
"Hey..." I said and closed the door.
"What're you doing here?" I asked
"Annica... Annica was crying in her sleep"
"What? Why"
"You better apologize"
"I swear, I did but she ignored me, pushed me away and punched me on my face" I said pointing on my bruise
"I know... She's a strong girl. But you have to say your sorry... Anyway you want" She said and I looked down to the ground
"What else can I do?" I asked
"I'll help you... But for now, I have to go to bed. She didn't know that I snuck out of bed" she giggled and went out the door.
*sigh* i wish she could just forgive me. I thought and I went back to Judith.

--------TIME SKIP--------

I woke up and I went to judith's room and I saw her sleeping. I smiled and shut the door. I went downstairs and I ate some cereal. After that, I went outside and saw Zoey running to me.
"Carl... C'mon" she said and she grabs my arm.
"So, what's the plan?" I asked.
"Just go to your guarding position. Annica's there already." She said and I got up.
"Oh wait! Remember to not let her go until she forgive you... Got it?" She said. I nodded and went to maggie's place. When I got there, I saw Annica standing there, guarding and I got up the ladder.
"Hey" I said and she looks at me and glares. Then she tries to walk out but then I grabbed her arm.
"Stay... Please, I have to talk to you" I said and then she removes my hand off her arm.
"Make it quick" she said sitting down.
I sat down next to her and I said "I'm sorry for killing your brother, I... I have to kill him because he was gonna bite you. And I won't let that happen..." I said and I put my hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry for being such and asshole." I continued and she nods.
"I know..." She said
"So you forgive me?" I ask.
"No..." She said
"But you said 'i know' right?" I asked
"Yeah... I know that you're an asshole. That doesn't mean I forgive you just yet" she said and she stands up and walks down the ladder.
"Annica!" I said and I followed her down and I chased after her.
"Annica! Annica!" I said and finally I grabbed her arm.
"Annica, please!" I said and she turns to me and I saw her crying.
"You don't know what it feels like. You don't know how it felt like to lose your dad, your mom and your brother... You don't know anything and you don't understand my pain! All I have now is zoey" she said while tears are streaming on her face. I put my hands on her shoulders.
"Annica trust me, I know... I have to kill my mom because she was gonna become a walker. Although I didn't want to... I have to, to save judith, to save her... So how can you tell that I don't understand your pain" I said nearly crying and she shrugs off my hands on her shoulders and she runs away.

I walked after her and tried looking for her. And I saw her laying in the grass with her feet up and just looking up at the blue sky. I walked to her and I lay on the opposite direction.
"Annica... I understand you" I said. She nods and looked at me.
"I-I'm sorry about your mom" she said
"And I'm sorry about your brother" I said and she messed with my hair and she laughs.
"Hey! Respect the hair" I said and laughed. She laughs too and stopped and hands a pinky-promise.
"Friends?" She asks and I took the pinky-promise and I say.
"Friends" and then we hugged.

--------TIME SKIP--------
Its 3:00pm and we were just walking around then we hear someone shouting.
"OPEN THE GATES!!!" Then michonne, heath and morgan opens them. Me and Annica went up the ladder and we saw my dad being chased by a bunch of walkers.
"Shit..." Annica whispers and she pulls out her gun and started shooting the walker behind my dad. I did the same and then when my dad got inside, we all got down and we checked up on him.

"You okay?" Annica asks and my dad nods. Then we all went to the other side of alexandria and talked there for awhile. Then my dad came.
"You can here it, some of you saw it" he said and we hear the walkers groan.
"Crap" annica whisper yells and I grab her hand and she looks at me and smiled.
"They got back here, half of 'em still enough to surround us.
Now I know you're scared. You haven't seen anything like this, you haven't been through... Anything like this, but we're safe for now..."
*etc. blah blah... Speech
"We have to keep this place as quiet as a grace yard" my dad said
"This place is a grave yard" a woman with a bob cut said. I can feel Annica raged and then she shouted.
"THIS AIN'T A GRAVEYARD... Yet... We're gonna keep this place alive. Keep it safe. We're gonna follow Rick's plan. Understand?" She said walking close to the woman.
"And who are you? Are you the new boss now?" The woman said.
"I ain't nobody's boss. I just wanted this place to stay standing so you better shut the fucking mouth of yers and start thinking positive" Annica said and she walked away.
"I'll get her..." I said and I followed her. I saw her walking back to her house and I shouted her name.
"Annica! Annica hold up!" I said and she turned to face me.
"What?" She asked.
"What was that about?" I asked and she sighs
"She thinks this whole community is gonna fall... I don't want that to happen. And even if it did... I won't let those motherfucking walkers touch my sister" She said and continued walking away.
"Annica...." I called her still following her. Then we got inside their house.

Annica stopped at the living room and searched around the house.
"ZOEY!!! ZOEY!!!" She shouted over and over. Then she stops infront of me and she collapsed on her knees. I saw her cry and I bent down to her and I pit my hands on her shoulders.
"Shit... I lost her... I lost her" She said crying. I pulled her into a hug. She hugged back and cried on my shirt.
"She's out there somewhere. We're gonna find her" I said and she nodded and we both got up.
We went outside and started running to carol's place.
"ZOEY!!" Annica said and she pushed carol's door and we saw Zoey and carol eating some cereal.
"Oh god! Zoey!" Annica said and runned to zoey and she hugged her.
"Hey sis, I'm okay" Zoey said
"Your sister here, she's been so worried" I said
"Why? I could protect myself" zoey said. Annica shook her haid and cupped zoey's face.
"No... No you can't. I--" Annica was vut of by me
"Me and your sister are gonna teach you how to fight. How to kill a walker" I said while annica was staring at me and she nodded.
"Yeah... We'll start later, Carol is it okay if we... Uhh... Borrow some guns at the armory?" Annica asked Carol.
"Oh yeah, sure. But you will be careful okay?" Carol said.
"Yes! Thanks!" And me and Annica went outside. Once we were outside, I was shocked because Annica hugged me tight.
"Oh God, Annica... Chill" I kidded
"Thank you" she said and I hug her back and I stroked her hair.
"Its nothing." I said and she smiles at me and pulls away...

You're my worst nightmare [Carl x OC] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now