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Carl's POV
I was outside the prison looking for some rocks since Carol asked me to find some though I don't know what is she gonna do with them. I heard twigs being broken so I dropped the pebbles down and I grabbed my gun from its holster. I pointed at the bushes and I saw a (H/C)-haired girl stumbled forward.
"Please don't shoot!" She begged and got up and ran to me. I put down my gun and 5 walkers came out of the bush. I was about to pull the trigger when she stopped me.
"Don't! You'll attrack more" She said and she pulls her bow and arrow. And shot three walkers while I stabbed two in the head.
"Were you bit?" I asked.
She panted and shook her head "No..." She replied and wiped her sweat of her forehead
"Are you alone?" I asked.
"No... I was looking for my brother and my mom" She panted.
"Why didn't you kill the walkers before they got here?" I asked
"They were too many. I could've died" She kept on panting. I rubbed her back and I picked up the pebbles and I dragged her inside.
"Stop!" Maggie commanded.
"Who is she?" Maggie asked stepping forward.
"I'm Anni--" She was cutted of by a male voice.
"Sis! Where are you!?" A male voice yelled and a boy and a woman came out of the bushes. Me and maggie pointed the guns at the two and they raised their hands.
"Don't! They're my mom and brother" Annie said and she ran up to the woman and she gave her a hug.
"Are you okay?" The woman asked annie
"Yeah" She replied and annie looked and ran up to me.
"Thanks for your help, I hope I'll see you some other time... Bye" She said and hugged me. I hugged her back and she ran to her mom and brother and walked away.
"Who was that?" Maggie asked
"I don't know... I just helped her" I explained and Maggie nodded in response.
"Okay, well get inside... And get those to Carol she's looking for those" She pointed to the pebbles. I nodded and walked inside and she closed the gate.
I hope I'll see Annie again... I just wish she and her family survive.

~end of flashback.

I ran after Annica and sat next to her.
"Who's Annie?" She asked
"Annica... Annie IS you" I said and she looked at me in shock.
"Yeah... Remember, when we were fourteen, You came out of the bushes and you where being chased by 5 walkers and I helped you got rid of them. You said you were looking for your mok and brother" I said
"You... You're woody?" She asked
"Woody?" I asked and she giggled.
"Yeah, eversince I never got your name back then so I called you woody all along"
"Why woody?"
"Oh... Its a toy story thing" (AHHH!!! I MISS THAT MOVIE)
"Okay... So do you remember?" I asked
"Yeah woody... I remember" She kidded and We hugged each other.
"I can't believe I didn't recognize you!" She said
"I can't believe I still remember you" I kidded and she laughed.
"Yeah, I guess... The universe wants us to meet. It will find a way even if this whole crap didn't happen" she said. I pulled away and I placed my hands on her arms
"And I guess it wants us to be together to... And, it wants me to kiss you" I chuckled and she huffed.
"Ha! You wouldn't dare to--" I cutted her off because I kissed her. I pulled away and she slapped me. My head is still turned to my left then she grabs my face and kissed me. I kissed her back and we pulled away.
"Why did you kiss me?" I asked quickly
"Why did you kiss ME?" She asked rapidly
"Well its because I love you--"
"Well I guess its because I love you too" She said quick
"What?" I giggled.
"Slowly" I commanded and I held her hand
"I said... Because. I. Love. You. Too" she said slowly and smiled. I brushed her hair of her face and I leaned in and kissed her. I can't believe she kissed back but I let her. We pulled away and rested out foreheads on each other.
"Can I be your boyfriend now?" I asked. She smiled but shook her head.
"No... Not yet. You have to court me first. Love takes time and I wanna test your patience" She said with a smile.
"How Can you find courting at this time?" I asked.
"I don't know... How can you find love at this time?" She said and I nodded.
"Look, lets just pretend that... None of this ever happened, kay? But if I die or you... I'll still continue the courting. I'll answer your question in heaven, or hell" She continued. I nodded and I leaned her close and I kissed her on her forehead.
"I swear... You're worth waiting for." I said and she smiled. I hugged her and she hugged back.

We pulled away when someone opened the door. It turned out to be my dad. He sat down next to me and he rested his hand on my shoulder.
"Carl..." My dad mumbled.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Are you and Annica dating?" When he said that, Annica or should I say Annie choked on her own saliva.
"What? No, we're just... Friends that's all" Annie said nervously.
"Be honest" My dad said to Annie
"Fine! Yes, we are dating... I mean he's courting me but he's not my boyfriend--"
"Yet" I cutted her off. She nodded and looked at my dad.
"... Okay I guess I'll leave you two here" He said and walked back in.
"Well that was awkward" She said
"Yeah it is" I said and I grabbed her hand and she looked at me.
"Annica... If anything bad happens to me, I just want you to know that I will never stoploving you" I said with a smile.
"Nothing bad will ever happen to you... I promise" She said and we hugged each other...

--------TIME SKIP--------

Annica's POV:
It was a not so beautiful rainy day... I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eye. I looked behind me and I saw a sleeping Zoey. I smiled at her peacefulness and I stood up. I went to the closet and changed my clothes into a hoody and some pants. After that I went downstairs and I prepared some cereal. I ate it and I brushed my teeth. after my routine, I decided to go to Maggie's house and just talk there for awhile.
"Maggie?" I knocked on the door but no one's answering
"Maggieeee?!" I knocked continously.
"She's not home" A voice said that made me jump and face that certain person.
"Oh... Its you, what do you want?" I said to Enid.
"I'm getting out of here"
"Enid, its dangerous outside. Do you really wanna die?" I said and she just looked down.
"I... Wanted to look for my friends"
"Your friends are probably dead" I said and she looked at me.
"And what do you know huh? What do you know about my---" she was cutted off by a scream that caught our attention. We looked at each other and we ran to the direction of the scream. We saw gabriel has been being chased by three walkers.
"SHIT... NO!!!" I said and ran up to them. I kicked two walkers in the stomach while one tackled me. It was about to bite me when blood spilled all over my face and I noticed that enid stabbed its head. She helped me up and I grabbed my two daggers from my pocket and stabbed two in the head.

I stopped to catch my breath and I look at him.
"How the hell did those three motherfuckers get in?" I yelled at him while my soggy hair is blocking my face.
"I let them in" He said. My eyes widened and I couldn't hold it anymore. I punched his face real hard that made his teeth bleed. Enid stopped me and I struggled my way out of her.
"BECAUSE WHAT!?" I said angrily
"Because I wanted to practice... I wanted to kill them, I wanted to try to kill them--"
"But you couldn't! You could not kill a single walker instead you ran from them!" I said and he looks down again. I sighed and walked to him and helped him up.
"AH!" He moaned
"Why? What's wrong?" I asked and he pointed at his arm. I looked at his arm and back to him. He nodded and I rolled up his sleeves and I saw a bite.
"Shit..." I whispered.
"W-We have to tell rick" he said
"Yes, we do" I said and picked him up again and Enid and I made our way to rick's house. As we got there, we saw rick outside with morgan.
"RICK!" I yelled.
"Annica!" He yelled back and ran up to us and he took gabriel and he rested him on the floor.
"What happened?" He asked.
"He... He let three walkers in" then he looked at me in shock. "Don't worry they're dead.... But, he's... He's bitten" i said and he looked at gabriel.
"I-I'm sorry... J-Just kill me now" He said and rick looked at me and I looked at him and shook my head.
"Just... Cut his arm off" I said and stood up and turned around so that I wouldn't see it.

To be continued....

You're my worst nightmare [Carl x OC] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now