You're like a brother to me

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Annica's POV:
"Hi Maggie!" I greeted and she turned to me and smiled.
"Hey, what're ya doin here?"
"What I usually do" I said with a smile. She laughed and nodded.
"Okay... So anyways, are you going to the Christmas Party"
"Meh, we don't feel like it" Carl said.
"Oh, well. Rick wouldn't like that" She said and adjusted the gun at her shoulder.
"Why?" We asked in unison
"Because he was expecting everyone to come and he would be very Angry of you two didn't come" she said
"I really don't feel like it" I said
"Well, you better settle that with Rick..." She said pointing at my back where Rick was walking right behind us
"Hi dad" Carl greeted and Rick smiled.
"Hi Carl... Hi Nica" He said and I smiled
"Hello Mr. Grimes" I said
"So... Dad, what if... Me and Nica didn't attend the Party"
"Haha... No you have to attend" He said and he turned his back at us.
"Looks like you're gonna come eh?" Maggie said.
"Ugh! Fineee! I'll come" I said with a pissed of tone in my voice.
"We have no other choice" Carl said and I nodded.
"So, when is this party anyways?" I asked Maggie.
"Saturday night, so far its two days beyond us" She said
"You better find some clothes at Jessie's place" She suggested and I nodded.
"Okay, well... Carl I think I'm gonna go get Zoey so that we could pick out some clothes" I said.
"Okay, I'm gonna check on Judith" He said and we ran at different directions.

"Zoey!" I yelled as I barged in inside our house and I saw her just reading some comics.
"What?" She asked
"Lets go at Jessie's place. Maggie said we'll find some outfits at Jessie's." I explained.
"Oh yeah, the christmas party. Well come on! Lets go!" She said running towards the door and grabbing my arm.
"JESSIE! JESSIE!" Zoey yelled over and over again.
"Oh, hi!" Jessie said.
"Hey, so can we pick some clothes for the christmas party?" Zoey asked.
"Oh yeah... Well, right this way" she said leading us to her house and we went up to her room. Jessie pulled put all the dresses and Zoey kept on picking. While I was just standing there because I wanted some Ripped Jeans and just a t-shirt with a leather jacket
"Oooh! This one! I love this color!" Zoey said pulling out a Red dress.
"Wow! It looks good, why don't you try it on?" I said and she nodded and went inside the bathroom.
"How about you Nica?" Jessie asked.
"Oh! I just wanted some ripped jeans with a white t-shirt and some leather jacket. Got one of those?" I asked. She gave me a grin and shook her head.
"No... All we have are dresses"
"Ugh! But I hate dresses!" I whined.
"Sorry... Its all we have and all you had" She explained. I let out a big sigh and started searching for some...

Pink? Nah...
Violet? Nope...
Yellow? No!
Orange? Absolutely not!
White? No, too short
Gray? I'll think of this one.
Black? Oh! I like this...

"Here, I want this one" I said.
"Oh it looks good! Why don't you try it on?" She said and I nodded.
"Hey Zoey you done yet?" I asked and she opened the door.
"You like it?" She asked
"Yeah! It fit you!" I complemented
"Okay! Then I'll take this" she said and got changed. After she got changed, it was my turn to change.

"Come on Nica, lemme see" Zoey said
"Come on out sweetie, I'm sure its not that bad." I heard Jessie said
"Well... Okay!" I said and opened the door and looked at them.
"Wow.... You... Look..... Amazing!" Jessie said.
"You wore it best!" Zoey said still gazing at me.
"I feel uncomfortable" I said while pulling the end of the dress down so that is would be a little longer.
"No, don't pull it! Its suppose to be like that" Jessie said fixing it up.
"Y'know I'm not really in to this Girly stuff" I said while smirking.
"I know... But you are gonna wear that on saturday night right?" Zoey said while pointing to my dress.
"Yeah... I guess this is the best thing I could wear" I said and they both nodded.
"Well... I'm gonna go get changed" I said and I went inside the bathroom and changed into my origanal clothes.
"Give me..." Jessie said as I gave her the dress and she wraps it up.
"You're gonna be there okay?" She asked and giggled and nod.
"Yeah... Yeah, anyways I gotta go, On my way to Carl's house" I said and I turned my back and walked away. As I get out of Jessie's house, I saw Carl and Enid hugging.

I felt a wierd pain in my chest and I ran to Denise's Clinic. I barged in with my fist on my chest.
"Hey, What's wrong?" She asked.
"I-I don't know... I just... Well, I felt a huge pain that struck into my chest and I don't know why." I said.
"Well... Can you sit down there for a bit?" She said and I nod. I'm still holding my chest til the pain was gone.
"Okay... What was the last thing you saw before going here?" She asked while pointing a syringe into my arm.
"I... I saw Enid and Carl... Hugging" I said and I felt the pain again... She distanced the syringe from my arm and she chuckled.
"What? What so funny?" I asked with confussions hitting my head.
"You don't have any sickness or anything..." She said and kept on giggling.
"Then What?!" I whisper yelled.
"Hun... Your jealous" She said and laughed.
"Jealous? From what?" I asked.
"From Enid and Carl"
"No... Why would I be jealous? Carl is like a brother to me" I said
"Well, you wouldn't be feeling any of this if you're not Jealous... Trust me, I know" She said. I shook my head and laughed.
"I am not Jealous" I said and someone barged in which was happened to be Carl.
"Hey... What's wrong? I saw you ran up here?" He said and sat next to me.
"Well... I just had this weird feeling in my chest." I explained
"She's Jealous" Denise said
"I am not!" I whined
"Wait! Wait! Jealous of what?" Carl asked
"Y'know... Jealous of you and Enid?" Denise said.
"Ughhh! I am not Jealous!" I whined and I covered my face with my hand. Then I felt a arm wrapped around me making me feel like there are butterflies. In my stomach. I felt like the blood is ruching itself onto my head.
"Ugh!" I whined and I stood up making the blood drop down.
"Don't be jealous!" Carl said as he walks up to me.
"I told you many times that I'm not Jealous... You're more like a brother than a crush to me" I said while my arms are crossed.
"Its okay... I just hugged Enid cause she said that she doesn't want in here anymore... She cried so I comforted her by hugging her" He explained
"You can comfort her by words! Not by flirting" I said and he hugged me.
"Yes Ma'am, but you've gotta admit that you're Jealous" he said. I pulled away and said.
"You're my brother... And I'm not Jealous" I said and I walked out of Denise's clinic.
"Hey!" Carl yelled and I turned to him.
"What?" I said in a grumpy way.
"I know how to make it up to you" he said and I raised a brow.
"How?" I asked.
"Do you like some pudding? Or do you like it better while eating it in a roof?" He asked and I chuckled and nod.
"I'd love that" I said and he grabs my arms
"Well come on" He said and drags me all the way to his house.

We went to the roof and sat down with chocolate pudding in our hands.
"Mmmhhh" I moaned. He laughed
"What?" I asked.
"You sure do love that pudding"
"Yeah... I missed it" I said and he nod.
"Thanks for being there for me always." He said with his hand on my shoulder.
"No prob... We're like sibling now" I said and smiled at him he smiled back and gave me a grin.

You're my worst nightmare [Carl x OC] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now