You... You're my... Dad?!

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Annica's POV:
I was sitting down at a pile of sack bags. I was staring at... Nothing actually... I was just thinking on where my dad could be or why didn't mom and dad tell me when they were alive? I hear footsteps coming towards me. I turned my back to see Daryl. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"Can I take a seat?" He asked
"Sure..." I said and he sat down next to me.
"Are you okay?"
"Uhhhh... Yeah, yeah I'm okay..." I said wiping my tear.
"Are you sure? Because you can tell me anything about it... And why are you crying?" He asked. I look at him and gave him a fake smile.
"I-I don't cry... I fight... I have to" I said with my voice breaking. He pats my back and I smiled again.
"Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it? You can tell me... I'm like your Dad in this place" He said. I nodded and took a deep breath.
"Okay... So My brother,Jake told me that... I-I was.... I wasn't a full (Y/L/N)... He said dad his dad wasn't mine and that he's only my sibling on my mother, not my father... I never actually met my real Dad... Well, maybe I met him I just didn't recognize him... But even if he did met me... I wish he knew I was his daughter..." I said wiping tears away. He pats my back and I look at him. He nodded signalling me to continue.
"I wish... My mom never lied... I wish I'm not feeling this way, I have to be strong for my siblings... I have to, for them... Always" I said looking down at the ground.
"You know, you don't have to be strong everytime... And even if you say you are... That's impossible... Something or someone will always be your weakness" He said. He then pulls me into a hug and I hugged him back.
"Thanks you... So did you have any kids before?" I asked.
"Yeah... Her name is (Y/N)... I haven't seen her since she was 7... Her mom, wanted me to stay away from her..." He explained.
"(Y/N)? Huh... That's weird... We have the same name... My name is Annica (Y/N) (Y/L/N) or... Atleast that's what I thought my last name was..." I said
"So what happened to your daughter... Do you mind telling me about it?" I asked.
"Well... I haven't seen her since her first birthday. Seven years had passed. It was her first day of school... I was seating at my car and I saw her mom drop her off to school. She kisses her mom goodbye and her mom headed back to her car. I said to myself "I'm gonna wait for my daughter... I will... I have to talk to her" so... I waited til her dismission. I saw her went out the school and sit by a bench outside. So I went out my car and walked towards her. I sat beside her and she looked at me straight in the eye. She smiled and said: "hi mister..." I smiled back and said "hey... So where's your mommy?" I asked her. She thought about it and spilled the answer. She said she was waiting for her to come back... That is, if she'll be ever back. She said. Later on, kids went by and started laughing. She cried hard and I patted her back. I said "don't cry... You'll be ugly" I made her laugh... And I was like, hey she got my laugh... And the way I cry... Which is weird. So after that, I reached out my pocket and gave her a rainbow lollipop. She thanked me for it. I said no problem... I then gave her an advice... I said "don't cry okay? Fight... You don't cry, you fight... You don't want them to be thinking that you're weak" I said and she laughed she said "okay, I'll keep that in my mind" and we laughed... I reached out for my pocket again and gave her a ring... Its a promise ring..." He said. My eyes began to water and my nose began to sniffle as I remember the old man from when I was seven...
"I told her that--"
"That as long as we both wear that... We'll be friends forever... Nothing will ever tear as apart... And then the little girl's mother came and the man hide. After that day... The girl hoped that she would see you again but you weren't she kept wishing and waiting for you to come but you never came again, until now..." I said and we both burst out in tears. I reached out for my pocket and grabbed the promise ribg he gave me back then. Well it was too small for it to fit on my middle finger so I slipped in on my pinky. He then grabbed his and slipped it to his middle finger. I laughed and we both hugged each other.
"Dad..." I sobbed
"(Y/N) I missed you so much..." He hugged me tighter.
"Ugh! Can't breathe" I said and we pulled away. He kissed me in my forehead and touched my ring with his.
"Now you can call me dad... For real..." He said and we both hugged again. We pulled away and he wiped away my tear.
"Now don't you get cryin' on me ya lil ass kicker" He said as he rubbed my head.
"Okay... I won't dad" I said and break out a chuckle.
"What? What's so funny?" He asked.
"Well now I know where my strength and weird laugh came from" I said and we both laugh. He patted my back.
"Yeah... You're a Dixon... So, what do you think I should call you?" He asked
"Well, If you're mad at me... Call me Annica or (Y/N) if that's what you like... And if you're all fine with me call me... What was that again?"
"Lil ass kicker?"
"Yeah... That" I said. I hugged him once more and he stoked my hair.
"Now,now lil ass kicker... You're honey bunny is waitin for you inside" He said. I nod and stood up. I kissed him at his cheek and waved goodbye.
"Bye dad!"
"Bye lil ass kicker"

I then opened the metal door and walked it. I walked into the living room and saw Carl sitting down on the couch and looking down at his feet. I knocked the wall and he jumped up and looked at me. He then walks up at me and gave me a huge hug.
"Hey... What's wrong?" I asked as I pat his back.
"N-Nothing... I'm just glad you're here" He said. He then grabs my hand and dragged me to the couch. He brushes over my hair behind my ear. He leans over and kissed me. He sucked my lip and licked the bottom. I gradually opened my mouth for him to explore. He then licks my tounge. My tounge just had to fight it but lost... Great, now he's winning this shit. We both pulled away and take a deep breath.
"Are you sure you're okay babe? We can talk about it if you want..." I said he then nods and take a deeo breath.
"Okay... So when you left... Zoey went all crazy and started telling me she loves me and all... Then one day, she was crying at the rooftop... I comforted her and... We kissed" He said. Okay, I'm not mad and I'm not happy either.
"So after that she's been all about me. I try to avoid her but she's everywhere. But when you came back, She was all like 'I'm gonna go talk to sam' whenever I get near her... She doesn't even talk to you that much anymore" He explained.
"Look, before you say anything... I have nothing to do with her... I never wanted that kiss... I just wanted to tell you because it will hurt much more if it came from another person" He said with his eyes all red and his nose sniffing. I hug him very tight as if it's no tomorrow. I pulled away and kissed him.
"You're not mad?" He asked
"No... But I'm not happy either... I'm just thankful because I have an honest boyfriend by my side... And I love you so much" I said. He smiled and I kissed his nose and his lips. I pulled away and he said.
"I love you more than anything... Don't ever forget that" I nodded and he hugged me.
Man... I love him so much... Though, I am kinda feeling a little bit angry because He kissed Zoey but still, he told me the truth and I'm not gonna get mad on him for telling the truth... All I know is, He loves me and I love him... So much

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