society ruined her free spirit
her loving spirit
the negativity crumbled on top of her
the weight to much to bare
they laugh at how she falls
smoke curls around her defeated self
society ruined her view of herself
the pressure to look just right and better
help her in her downfall
judging eyes constantly staring her down
anxiety and nerves over power her
everywhere she went
smoke clouded her eyes making her believe
it's not alright to be below perfect
society ruined her strong attitude
the poisons of trying to fit in
no matter how hard she tries
never will she be good enough
never will she be true again
smoke pours out of her mouth
proving the things she's done
she'll never be back to how she used to be
forever she will survive this way
forever has society broken her
Poems About Deep Inside
PuisiIn this book of poems I write about the relatable feelings that are deep inside. I will try and update as soon as possible Please leave feedback, I love seeing what people think. -C