Chapter 15- The Trial (part 2)

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Geoffrey had a cocky look on his face like he had just won a nobel peace prize. It made Sean quite nervous. "I was at the park spying on the defendant and his friends. Because they had just ditched me, for Sean."  replied Geoffrey. "Ok, describe the event of when you were at James' apartment."  asked the lawyer. " Well I got pissed," "Language!" demanded the judge "Sorry, I got really, really, really angry. so I decided to take my gun and shoot Sean's name off of the front door. They caught me before I could do it. I then shot the door and walked down the stairs peacefully and calmly and left, I have no idea what happened after I left."  "Thank you Geoffrey." said the lawyer. "you may step down" suggested the judge. Geoffrey returned to his Seat in the audience section. " You may call your next witness." said the Judge. "Thank you your honour, my next witness is Derrin." stated the lawyer. "Derrin please approach the bench." demanded the judge politely. Derrin approached the bench and took an oath to tell the truth like Geoffrey had done before.

The lawyer questioned Derrin with the same questions as Geoffrey, Derrin answered all his questions truthfully but then the last question was asked "Who discovered the body?" asked the lawyer "I did, sir." stated Derrin. "Objection!" shouted Dad "over-ruled" replied the judge" please proceed." "Derrin you may return to your seat." said the lawyer "You see your honour, the defendant wasn't the one to discover the victim's body. Derrin was. Sean Duncan, indeed stated to have discovered the body when all his friends said that Derrin did. Now what does that tell you about our defendant your honour? Why would he imply that he discovered the body when three witnesses stated that Derrin discovered the body?" "Objection!" shouted James " I never made that statement! Sean discovered the body!" The lawyer gave James a "death stare" and turned back around to face the judge hoping he could carry on. " Please sit back down sir." said the Judge. 

The lawyer sat down. "Mr. Duncan please present your first witness." Sean stood up and looked around with a pale face. "Urm.. Your Honour I don't have a witness." "Then make your case" replied the judge wittily. "Ok, your honour.". " Well, urm... what Mom's la- I mean Mrs. Duncan's lawyer just stated was obviously a lie. Because James hadn't made that statement." "Objection!" shouted the Lawyer "I have evidence of James' statement." Everyone in the courtroom gasped in surprise. " All of Sean's friends were instructed to write an account of what happened in that apartment, James wrote and I quote "Derrin discovered the body" dot ,dot ,dot. Seems like youd did make that statement James." "Pass me James' account please." asked the Judge. The judge analysed the account carefully. "We will now have a 5 minute recess, when we return we will hear the jury's verdict." stated the Judge.

Sean, Dad and James sat on the bench in the hallway. They were all silent, James was sweating like a pig, Sean was shivering like an autumn leaf and Dad was as worried as a parent ever could be. But then Sean couldn't keep it in anymore. "You wrote that Derrin discovered the body in your account?!" he screamed at James "I swear I never they probably switched them and wrote a different person's name." "This si the law James, these things don't happen!" "you'd be surprised." Sean frowned and leaned back banging his back to the back of the bench. The five minute recess was finally over. Everyone came back into the courtroom and sat down in their seats anxious to hear the jury's verdict. There was so much chatter amongst the people. "Order! Order!" shouted the judge whilst banging his gavel. "Has the Jury come to a decision" enquired the Judge. "Yes your honour" said one of them whilst standing up. " We find..." this moment was the most crucial of Sean's life, the most exhilirating moment for his mother, " the defendant..." Sean gasped for air " Guilty." then burst into tears uncontrollably. His mother stood up and cheered like it was her son's wedding day "Yes! yes! " she screamed. James and Dad didn't know what to do or what to say.

Sean looked at his mother in despair. and whispered to his Dad "I'm innocent I thought the law was always right, but they're a bunch of damn criminals themselves." Dad put his arm around Sean, he also let a couple of tears roll down his cheeks. James didn't feel so wanted anymore, as he got up to leave Sean said "Thanks for everything, you've been the only true friend since I..since I was born." James sat back down and tried to comfort Sean as much as possible. But before anything else could happen two officers came, cuffed Sean and took him away. Sean looked back at Mom with eyes filled with rage and revenge.

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