Chapter 2: Stuck Together Like Glue

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Harry's eyes blinked open, and he found himself staring at a rather bright ceiling. White curtains were draped around him, and he was laying in a bed that was unlike his own, which also held the decor of snow. Though the room was unfamiliar, Harry recognized it as the hospital wing. He'd been here enough times to set a school record, he bet. As soon as Harry tried to sit up, he felt an immense pressure on his chest, followed by a groggy voice.

"Wha-?! Stop that! That hurts! Just who- Potter?!" Out of all the voices that could have lingered in his head, Malfoy spoke as if he were right beside him.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a menacing tone.

"I should ask you the same thing! Where are you?"

"I'm right here, you idiot, on the bed!" Harry gazed down at his hands. They seemed perfectly normal. Before he could give this anymore thought, the curtains surrounding him were pulled back, Madam Pomfrey scanning his bed.

"Are you all right, dear?" She asked nicely.

"Fine. Just a little dizzy." Harry gulped.

"Well I'd imagine so, that was quite the blow you took. Thought you would've been out longer but here you are, lively as the morning sun!" Madam Pomfrey smiled, and fiddled with a few bottles of liquid, and handed Harry an ocean blue one.

"Take this, and I'll let you go. Can't say the same for Malfoy over there, he'll wake shortly." Harry took the vial, an drank from it quickly, draining the bottle.

"Thanks." He managed a small smile. On his way out, Harry took a look at the only other occupied bed in the hospital wing. Malfoy lay there, stiff as stone, appearing to be in a deep sleep.

"The hell am I doing over there? Take me to- er- myself, at once, Potter!" Malfoy's voice ordered Harry inside his head. Rolling his eyes, Harry set down for the corridor instead, and headed or Gryffindor tower. How was he going to deal with a constantly yammering Malfoy in his face? Surely, this was just a small side effect of the duel. It would be gone by tomorrow, and Harry would have a good nights sleep, end of story. Yes, he just had to put up with this temporarily.

"I heard that, Potter. I have feelings too, you know. It's not like I enjoy this any more than you do." He scoffed.

"I didn't say anything!" Harry spoke aloud. A small girl stared at him with wide eyes from the other side of the corridor. When she caught his eye, the quite flustered girl scooted away hurriedly.

"Better not speak, people will think itty baby Potter is loony~" Malfoy's constant teasing was already putting Harry on edge, he got closer and closer to boiling over every second.

When he finally reached Gryfindor Tower, Harry felt a sense of relief wash over him.

"Password?" The Fat Lady asked in her usual tone, staring at Harry from behind her painting.

"Er- Heels over Hippogriff?" Harry scratched his brain. The Fat Lady nodded, and swung forward to reveal the bronze, reddish room. Decorated in Gryffindor's colours, the common room brought with it a home feel. Upon his entry, a voice came from across the room: 'Harry!'

Hermione enveloped him in a hug, much to Malfoy's detest.

"Ugh! Get this filthy mudblood off of yourself! You disgust me sometimes..." Harry chuckled, returning the hug.

"I wasn't gone that long, was I?" He smiled at her.

"Well, no, but you have us quite the scare, Ron especially."

"What?! No, I knew you'd make it out alive!" Ron protested. Hermione rolled her eyes and Harry thought he caught her whisper 'liar' under her breath. Following Hermione to the armchairs, and taking a seat in comfort, he dared to ask a question.

"So what happened?"

"Snape brought you and Malfoy to the hospital wing, dummy. What else do you think happened?" Ron raised an eyebrow.

"Did you hear if Dumbledore came to see me?" Hermione shook her head.

"Sorry Harry, no one was allowed to visit until you woke up, Madam Pomfrey's orders."

Harry nodded in disappointment. Malfoy, who had been rather quiet in his head, spoke to him again.

"What do you got going on with Dumbledore? Care to share? I'm all ears." Harry could almost feel Malfoy slump over in his seat.

"Uh," He started, then realized Ron an Hermione were right beside him. "I need some sleep, see you later." Harry stood up, and walked towards his dorm. They let him go, good thing too, Harry didn't know what to say if they found out about his little... Problem. He sat on his bed and sighed.

"Look, you need to be quiet when I'm with other people, okay? It's not helping having a stupid little voice whining in my ear all the time, so just cut it out!"

"Why should I, Potter?" Malfoy challenged.

"Because we'll both be in just as much trouble I you rat us out, how would you explain THIS?!" He went silent, and Harry knew he had triumphed.

"Fine. But I need to talk sometime so, go to the Room of Requirement alone and I'll have to talk with you I guess." Malfoy huffed a sigh. Still questioning his motives, Harry didn't have much other choice but to agree.


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