Chapter 16: Kiss and Make Up

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"For goodness sake, it's A - gwa - menti, not a - gwo - menti. I thought you were good at spells."

I'd be better without you, Harry thought bitterly. He lifted his wand and jabbed it at the bowl, striking a firm "Aquamenti!" and grinning to himself when the glass bowl suddenly filled itself to the brim with crystal clear water. It shined like a diamond, casting a small beacon of hope upon Harry.

"About time," Draco sighed. Well, that feeling could only last so long, anyway.

"I'd like to see you try," Harry muttered under his breath.

"What?" Ron lifted his head. Harry shook his head.

"Sorry," he said. "it's nothing.

The day proved to be long and tedious for Harry, the constant nagging of Malfoy not helping matters. And yet here he sat in the Room of Requirement, in an all too familiar armchair, talking to himself.

"Look, I don't know what your problem is, but you need to stop nagging at me!" Harry said, rubbing his temples.

"It's not like anyone else can hear me. Besides, I helped you back in Charms! You should take that as a sign that I'm not trying to make your life hell."

"Oh, you're not, are you? My life was fine before we got a little too friendly. Better than fine! I have two amazing friends that care about me and a family with the Weasley's that give a damn about the real me!"

"Hey, I'm sure if my family was more accepting they would welcome you in like their own son." Malfoy sounded bitter.

"What the bloody hell would your family care about me? They work for Voldemort! The only thing they would do to me is hand me over to him and watch as I got killed!"

"That's not what I'm talking about," he said, trailing off.

"Then what, Malfoy?!" Harry snapped. "What's so wrong with your perfect, rich family?!" He was silent for a moment. Harry's anger began to seep away, but a diligent throb still existed in the back of his head.

"My father, he...he didn't accept me,"

"Accept you? For what?" Harry asked curtly.

"I thought that part would be obvious. He doesn't like that I went gay for you, and threatened to disown me, even throw me out on the streets. There were a bunch of yelling matches. Especially howlers." Harry calmed down, suddenly feeling a bit guilty.

"What about your mom?" he asked, after a second of hesitation.

"Well, she sent me a letter in secret, see, saying that I should pretend to abide to my father's wishes for now. But she also said that I should just be myself, even if it meant losing his respect and being with you."

Harry scratched his head. "I didn't think I meant that much to you."

"Same here. I figured that you still hated me."

"It's a mixture of love and hate," Harry said. Draco chuckled.

"I suppose that's only natural." They sat in silence for a while, until Draco spoke up again.

"Can we call a truce?"


Hiccoughing Solution

This potion has the ability to make its drinker fraught with a case of Hiccoughs. Ingredients of this potion include...

Harry sighed. He hated his Potions essays. Unfortunately, Slughorn and Snape must have saw eye to eye when it came to assigning papers. He had to finish this one on the Hiccoughing Solution, and then start the explanation of Non-Verbal Spells for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Then again, he was in his N.E.W.T years now, so more homework was to be expected. That didn't mean that Harry necessarily wanted to do it, though.

Ron and Hermione were off in the library, or something. Now that he really thought about it, Harry couldn't quite remember where they had gone. But he really would enjoy their company, or anyone's company. He hadn't heard much from Draco since their fight/truce earlier, but just assumed that he wanted some alone time. Now he was starting to wonder if Draco was ignoring him.

"Harry, did you hear?" Hermione strolled through the common room, placing a pile of books on the table and crashing into the armchair opposite of Harry's.

"No, what happened?" he asked out of mild interest.

"Draco's been released from the hospital wing. He's out roaming the halls right now, probably getting some of the work he's fallen behind on." Harry looked up at her in surprise.

"I...erm, thanks, Hermione." He smiled, rolling up the paper that he had and half jogging out the door. Hermione sat there, relaxing and fondly smiling to herself.

Harry stalked the corridors of Hogwarts, eyes scanning back and forth for Draco. In a classroom, maybe? He walked by several classrooms, seeing him in none of them. Finally, he glanced in the Transfiguration classroom, assuming he wouldn't see Draco there either, but to his surprise, there he was, talking to Professor McGonagall. Harry waited, back pressed against the wall, for him to finished. Would things be as they were before the Sectumsempra incident? Would anything change? Harry bit his lip, anticipating Draco's arrival. In a matter of minutes, he walked out of the classroom and caught Harry's eye. He leaned against the wall beside him and smiled.

"So, I'm awake again," he said.

"Yeah," Harry breathed. "That took me a little off-guard. So, are we okay?"

"For now," Draco said, adjusting his books. "I am still with Pansy right now, but if anything were to ever happen, I'd consider going out with you again." Harry grinned.

"I think I'd like that."

"Looks like I was wrong, Potter," he said. "Maybe we can be friends for a while." Harry couldn't stop the everlasting grin from remaining on his face. This year, he felt, they had grown closer than ever before. He just hoped that next year at Hogwarts, things would turn up for him even more.

But, as with all things, Voldemort happened.

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