Chapter 9: It's All About Us

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[HOLD UP ON YOUR READING FOLKS! I need to give this chapter some credit, actually, a HELL of a lot of credit to Grace Thernstrom. They saved me from the dreaded writers block and brought to you this chapter of AToF! LOVE THEM IMMENSELY! This is what I politely command you to do. And Grace, THANK YOU for your help, even though I've said it like it's going out of style I honestly would give you a hug if I could. Internet hug? Anyway, I had to get this little spiel out of my system, though I hope it's clear my gratitude is apparent. Enjoy this long-awaited chapter of AToF. Peace.]

"Bloody hell, Harry." Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

"How long was I out for?" Harry rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, looking at the people who surrounded him. Ron, Seamus, Dean, and even Neville had grins spread across their faces.

"Just the one day. Gave us a scare though, mate." Seamus said. "Madam Pomfrey came to check on you, too. Said it was most likely exhaustion and that you should rest for the day. At lest you're back it action again!"
Exhaustion? Ha, if only they knew. Harry had only seen them just yesterday, the only difference was that he was looking through a separate pair of lenses.

"All right, we better stop buggering you. We'll be late for breakfast at this rate!" Rob clapped Harry on the shoulder and went to his normal business.

"Late for BREAKFAST?" Seamus questioned. "Is THAT more important to you than anything?"

"It is the most important meal of the day, Seamus." Ron snickered. Harry felt happy to be here again with his friends. It was great being with Malfoy for a bit, but all good things must come to an end. Rubbing his temples, Harry stretched out of bed and nearly toppled over when a frightened voice stole his attention.

"Harry, we screwed up again."

"How does this keep happening?! And why is it tending to be me more often than not?!" Harry paced around the Room of Requirement hours later. He had long forgotten his cushiony and rather comfortable bean bag that he usually squashed in, his brain racing from theory to theory.

"Maybe the effects of the duel are still stuck with us?" Harry furrowed his brow.

"This could all be a test of fate. We could be destined for each other!" Draco spoke sarcastically near Harry's right ear.

"Draco, this isn't the time for jokes! We have to figure something out now!"

"Bummer. I was going to tell everyone about us today, too. This really ruined my plans." Harry sighed, obviously Draco was in a sickly sort of mood today. Hopefully this didn't drag out.

"It would really be nice if I could have some input on this, Draco." He said coldly.

"Alright, alright I'll help! Er- were you thinking about me last night?"

"I was inside your head. It's a little hard not to. I mean, sure, I think of you often... Wait, what does this have to do anything with you being in my head again?!" Harry fired up again.

"Just curious." Harry felt as though Draco would have a playful smirk dancing across his face like a sly villain sneaking through the darkness. It not only irritated him, but it made Harry all the more intrigued about Draco, or even more drawn to him. He sighed. This guy sure was a lot of work.

"You're a lot more difficult than you think you are, you know. Heh, but I guess not as difficult as Ch-" He stopped himself. Unfortunately, Draco was nipping at his tail immediately.

"As who, Harry? Who am I not as difficult as?!" Harry gulped the lump in his throat, well aware that Draco already knew the answer.

"Cho. We've been over for longer than I've known you. Well, really known you, I should say. I-it was a long time ago, we shouldn't dwell on it."

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