Chapter 3: Classroom Shenanigans

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"All right now, class, today we will be reviewing the Accio spell. I will be observing how well you all perform today, there will be a test soon." Professor Flitwick gave a wave of his hand, and several voices cried out the same incantation. Harry sighed, and looked at the pink cushion before him.

"Accio." He said simply, waving his wand. The cushion remained still. Harry furrowed his brow. Normally, he would be able to do this with ease, in his sleep! Perhaps he got off on a faulty start.

"Accio." Harry repeated, a little more firmly. The little cushion still refused to budge an inch.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione asked, catching her cushion in the palm of her hand. "Isn't this just a review?"

"Yeah!" He snapped. "Yeah, I guess I'm just a little off. Sorry." Harry apologised.

"You've been on edge ever since that last duel with Malfoy." She gazed at Harry worriedly.

"I just got knocked on the head a little hard, Hermione. It will probably wear off by the time the days over."

"If you still don't feel well check with Madam Pomfrey, okay?"

"I'll be fine." Harry reassured her. Hermione smiled, and moved onto her next cushion.

"Potter." Malfoy grabbed his attention next. Harry remained silent, there was no way he was just going to talk to himself out loud in class.

"Let me try." Harry shrugged, as if to agree, and said the incantation again, only Malfoy spoke in unison with him.


The little cushion flew straight towards Harry, hitting him squarely in the face.

"Dwa-!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, you got it!" Hermione cheered.

"Yeah, I did." Harry held the cushion in bewilderment.

"All right, how did you know that would work?" Harry demanded later in the Room of Requirement. The room had taken the simple form of a small place, roomy enough to hold a red armchair in the center. It was the same chair in which Harry sat in now, prying answers from Malfoy.

"No idea. I just wanted to try something, and it worked, didn't it?" He boasted.

"We- That's true, but what made you think that the both of us had to say the incantation in the first place?"

"I told you Potter, I don't know."

"Like hell you don't."

"Can't you just accept that I'm telling the truth?!"

"And you've always been so kind to me previously." Harry countered sarcastically.

"I- But- UGH!" Malfoy went silent for a minute. "I just wanted to help." He mumbled softly. Harry felt a lump in his throat, maybe he'd been a little harsh. Wait, this was Malfoy he was talking about! Only his biggest rival/enemy since he started going to Hogwarts! And now he was talking about helping him?!

"Well..." Harry struggled for the words. "Thanks. Just don't try anything stupid next time." He felt he at least should thank the guy- no matter how sick it made Harry to his stomach. He felt something inside his chest, what was it? A mixture of gratitude and happiness?

"I'll try." Malfoy breathed. "Oh, and Potter?"


"Could we go visit the real me sometime? It might help, you know, send me back 'home', figuratively."

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