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"What do you want?" I asked Tsukiyama, handing him the coffee. "Oh, just a chat." He smirked. "What about?" Kaneki added. "Just...the recent homicide." My eyes widened, then narrowed. "There's no way she wants to talk about tha--.." "It's fine. You two talk..I'll get started on the dinner." I said going to the kitchen. "First of all, I'm quite impressed that you could do such a thing." Tsukiyama still had his smug look. "Your wrong. That wasn't me." I said back, taking the "food" out of the fridge. "Still, you murdered over 100 civilians. " he slowly took a sip of his coffee. Tsukiyama checked the time and grabbed our t.v remote.
"See." Tsukiyama clicked the t.v. on and turned the chanel the news was playing.

-"Last week's homicide seems to finally ended. Both the Half Kakuja, and ex first class investigator, Haise Sasaki, seemed to have disappeared. Although, some say they saw the two fighting the CCG and the SSS rated One-Eyed Owl on top of the CCG Building. On the other hand, special ranking class, Amira Korshou, seems to have recovered his injuries from Haise Sasaki, and the Half Kakuja."-

The screen showed Amira working at his desk like nothing ever happened.Kaneki glared and I tried not to listen.

-"I think it is best, to recap the homicide and take a moment of silence for our lost ones."-

The news anchor started again, and showed video clips that were some taken by phone, and the rest by camera. All the deaths I caused, blood I spilled, all the suffering. "Hehe~ why aren't you watching? It's all the beautiful art you did in the city!" A voice rung in my head but I ignored it. "You can't ignore me (F/n) I'm still in control of long as you have that thing in your neck~." The voice laughed. "Then I'll cut it out.." I whispered so the two wouldn't hear me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you!~ one touch and that thing kills you~ your my pet now~" a beeping was heard in my head that made me hurt.

My head began to twitch, much like before. Kaneki noticed and place his hand on my shoulder. "Don't you touch me half breed!!" Both Kaneki and Tsukiyama backed off. "Heh, the torture you went through seemed to have changed you. Do you lose your insanity at the sight of your murdered victims?" In just a split second, I bit down on Tsukiyama's arm, and ripping it out of it's socket. He didn't notice till I had it in my hand, back at the couch. Tsukiyama winced and looked at his missing limb. "Well, your definitely faster. I barely even saw you." I glared at him, throwing his arm back to him. "I think you over staid your welcome...Get out now!" Kaneki and I demanded. "So rude. You see Kaneki-kun, even though you push me away, I've been helping you. Don't you remember the first time I was here? I only tell you what's going on by pushing her to her limit." Tsukiyama stood up and quickly moved to the left of him. A kagune zoomed by Kaneki and hit the wall. "Get...out..." I muttered. "Alright...I get the message. I'll be going now. Bye, (F/n)~"

Kaneki stared at me and hesitantly came to my side after he left, my twitching seemed to stopped and I turned the t.v. off. "I'm sorry for calling you a half breed..." I apologized. "Please don't apologize anymore.." Kaneki wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "None of this was your fault..." he continued. My eye went back to normal. "I can't stay here..." "and why is that?" The voice started again. "I can't stay with you Kaneki.." I started to cry. "What...why?" Kaneki asked looking me in the eye. "Is it because what just happened?" Kaneki asked looking hurt. "'s not's because I don't want to hurt you." "Oh how sweet~ my doggie has feelings~" the voice continued. "I don't have control over my body...what just happened, I had no control over." Kaneki had watery eyes buy wasn't crying yet. "What do you mean? Is it your Kagune?" Kaneki said choking back his tears. "No..." I muttered. "Then what is it? Please, (F/n)! I can't go on with out you beside me." Kaneki said placing his forehead to mine. "It's....E---!!!" "Don't you dare tell him!" The voice screamed sending a shock through my body.
Sorry it's taken me a while....I've been
busy with family stuff and I've been
Working on other books of mine. I do
have a new book coming out soon.
It's a yaoi fanfic! Yay....,,,bye..,,

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