Chapter Sixteen

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Hey, hey, hey! Chapter sixteen is here! So........... I'M ON SUMMER VACATION!!!!!!!!! I GOT OUT TWO DAYS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! That means no more homework, no more annoying classmates, and more time on Wattpad! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Now, excuse my strange behavior that you have just read on your computer screen and let's get serious... This chapter might be kind of sad for you all. So if you tear up a little at the end, I'm sorry my writng made you cry. If you didn't cry or tear up, *places hand over heart* then you are strong... But if you didn't like the chapter, then you are mean! AND YOU SHALL FEEL MY RASH!!!!! Haha, just kidding! I don't have a rash! Haha, laughter... But seriously, if you don't like chapter, then you are mean. Okay then, read! Read, my people!



Audri's P.O.V.

Pitch Black.

I stare at him wide-eyed and back away to the Guardians. I stop when a large hand holds onto my shoulder. I look behind me and see North. He looks at me with calming blue eyes. This makes me feel a little better, but I'm still scared out of my mind that Pitch is here. The Nightmare King laughs wickedly.

"Aw," Pitch says. "Is little Audri scared of me? Is she terrified?"

"What are you doing here, Pitch?" North asks, letting me go and and taking out his swords. He looked very threatening when he brought out his weapons. It's hard to believe that this is Santa Claus.

"Oh, nothing. I'm taking a stroll, looking at the scenery, checking up on Cupid to see if she's alright."

"You know what?! Why don't you just leave me alone?!" I yell at him. Everyone was shocked at my sudden outburst, including myself.

"Oh look at that," Pitch says. "She speaks."

"You've heard me talk before," I tell him, lowly. "Why don't you just leave me alone? Everything would've been better for me if you just stayed away from me!"

"Aw, that's so sweet. Audri is trying to be a brave little girl, yet she is afraid of so many things."

"Hey!" I say. "Audri can be brave! And Audri is not afraid of 'so many things' only several things!" Then I pause. "Can somebody please say why Audri is talking in the third person?!"

"No one knows why." Tooth whispers in my ear.

"Okay, forget what happened there," I say. "What do you want from me, Pitch?"

"Oh, I don't want anything from you," he says, putting his hands up. "I just want to watch the Guardians burn to the ground when I destroy them."

"Well, that's not very nice." Jack mutters.

"Be silent, Frost!" Pitch yells at Jack. I make my bow and arrows appear, then load an arrow, aiming at Pitch.

"If you want to destroy them so much, then you're gonna have to get past me!" I threaten him.

"Oh, really?" he asks. "You and what army?"

"She has us." I hear Bunny say.

The Guardians then come up from behind me and stand by my side. I lower my bow and smile, because I knew my friends would help me. North raised his swords, Bunny got his boomerangs out, Sandy made his golden sand whips, Jack raised his staff, and Tooth...well...she already has her weapon ready; her wings.

"Very well then," Pitch mutters. "You're asking for a fight, then fine! You're get the fight of your life."

Then, Pitch raised his arms and hundreds of Nightmares appeared around us, all in a large circle. I look around and all of the Nightmares' faces were dark and beastly. I suddenly wish that I wasn't so brave at that moment, but I put it aside.

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