Chapter Seventeen

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I have returned, peanuts! *plays triumphant music* *front-flips*

Hey, guys! Chapter Seventeen is FINALLY up and I am so glad I got this chapter posted after so many months. You guys waited so long for the next part of Frosted Arrows, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who has kept their patience ever since June! After this chapter, I'm going to write an enormous apology author's note for you guys. But for now, read what you came for. I'm sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the others because I haven't uploaded one for a while now, but it's fine as long as you guys keep reading until the very end of the story. Alright, now read.....

(P.S. Some of you may have noticed the change of my username. I am now gracefulturtle!)



Jack's P.O.V.

Going through North's portal doesn't exactly make you have the best feeling in the world. I always become nauseated whenever I pass through it. Once I arrive the North Pole, I come through the portal and tumble across the floor. I finally stop once I am facing downwards and my staff is a few feet away from me. I turn my head to the side and rest on my right ear. Out of the other ear, I can hear footsteps and fluttering wings come my way. I don't even bother to get up, and it's not because of the nausea. Something worse than nausea is going on in my mind.

"Jack," a feminine voice says. It's obviously Tooth because she was now the only girl and...Audri isn't here. "Are you okay?"

Slowly, I furrow my eyebrows and look over at Tooth. North, Bunny, and Sandy were standing right behind her. I grab my staff and get up.

"Am I okay?" I repeat Tooth's question, my voice almost growling. She backs away a little once she sees that my behavior has changed. "Am I okay?! Do you really think I'm okay after what just happened a minute ago?! Do you really think that I wasn't affected at all by what happened to Audri?!"

Tooth gasps and her eyes widen. I've never yelled at Tooth before, ever. She's always been like a sister and has been nice to me ever since I came to the North Pole. There would never be a reason to get mad at her. But at a moment like this, I'm barely thinking at all.

Bunny puts a paw on Tooth's shoulder and she goes behind him. It's quite obvious he's having mixed feelings. His eyes tell me that he either wants to calm me down, or he wants to tear my limbs apart.

"Look, mate. We're really sorry about Audri. She was trying-"

"She was trying to what, Bunny?" I cut him off. "Trying to protect me? To keep me from turning evil? To prevent me from siding with Pitch? Audri just risked her life back there and now that arrogant jerk has her! She's been with us for only several days, and we already lost her!"

"Jack, calm down," North tells me. "Audri said that we could get her back somehow and we will. I do not understand why you are complaining so much."

"C-calm down?!" My voice rises, full of anger. "How can I possibly calm down after we left her there?! No, I cannot calm down, because I just lost the one person who understands me the most to the Boogeyman!"

At this point, I've gotten a lot attention in the Globe Room. Yetis stop what they're doing and stare at me, wondering what's going on. Even some of the elves freeze from hitting boxes with tubes of wrapping paper and look over. North narrows his eyes at me.

"Jack, we are trying to help!" he yells. "We care about her, too! Now stop being such a child, and enough of this NONSENSE!"

I almost jump back once I hear the fury in his voice, and so do the others. North is the last person I would expect to yell at me. Well, second because it would definitely freak me out if Sandy ever spoke. I kind of see North as a father figure in my eyes. Being full of jolly and wonder, North barely shows the fierce side of himself. The only times I see him like this are when he's scolding the elves, or fighting off Nightmares. Other than that, there's never a point where he's acting this way.

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