signs as apps

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Aries: camera because you are photogenic and love to take pictures
Taurus: messages because you are a popular person and are always texting
Gemini: photos because its filled with memories and you are a nostalgic person
Cancer: iTunes store because you loves to find new music
Leo: clock because you are always on time
Virgo: apple store because you always love finding new things to use
Libra: calculator because you are smart and come in handy with math
Scorpio: weather because you always are informed on the weather and never let it stop your plans
Sagittarius: reminders because you are informative and never forget to do things
Capricorn: maps because you always know where you are going
Aquarius: notes because you are a documented person and always have everything written down
Pisces: contacts because you are a popular person with many friends


i would forget everything if it weren't for reminders tbh

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