7 reasons you should love the signs

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They make life exciting!
For an Aries, every moment is the most important moment of their lives, and the feeling is contagious.
If you want a bungee-jumping partner, call up your Aries friend.
You can have the worst fight ever with an Aries, and 5 minutes later they will have forgotten the whole thing.
An Aries won't just greet you at the door, they'll bounce and squeal with unbridled excitement.
Passionate and fiery, an Aries will always be on board for an intense venting session.
They fall in love fast and hard, so if an Aries falls in love with you, buckle up and enjoy the ride.


They're total cuddlebugs.
Taureans are super loyal–they make awesome friends and will always be there for you.
A Taurean can't help but be true to themselves. They are almost totally incapable of being fake or deceptive.
Feeling guilty about having another cookie? A Taurus will remind you that you deserve it and bring you some milk to go with it.
You're always feel welcome in a Taurus home.
A Taurus can help you bring your big ideas down to earth and make them a reality.
Taureans love to treat themselves to the best sights, tastes, sounds, smells, and feelings the world has to offer, so life with a Taurus is rich and full.


Geminis are always down for a good convo.
They love meeting new people and having new experiences.
If you don't like one side of a Gemini's personality, don't worry, tomorrow they'll be totally different.
Smart and well-read, Geminis are an asset to any trivia team.
They're open and communicative, so you won't have to work too hard to get to know them.
Feeling stagnant? Geminis' love of change might be just the spark you need.
You can always count on a Gemini to be predictably unpredictable.


Whether you're hanging out at their house or meeting for coffee, a Cancer will always make you feel welcome.
Their sentimental nature means Cancers love to reminisce about the good old days.
When a Cancer asks "How are you?," they actually want to know the answer.
Sensitive to their surroundings, a Cancer knows instantly if something's wrong.
They give really heartfelt greeting cards.
Cancers possess a quiet strength that is often underestimated.
A Cancer is happiest when they're spending time with the people they love. How cute is that?


Fun, fun, fun!
Leos love life and they love people, and their enthusiasm is contagious.
You know what they love the most, though? LOVE. Leos are relentlessly, hopelessly romantic.
Like a mama lion, Leos are super protective and always ready to throw down for the people they love.
Leos' charms can get them out of any sticky situation.
If a Leo has a crush on you, they'll make you feel like the most gorgeous person who's ever walked the earth.
Leos are delightfully quirky and unique.


Virgos are deep and sensitive people.
In a time of need, your Virgo friend will always be there to help you out.
A Virgo will organize your closet for you, and they'll find it fun.
You'll never wait for a Virgo, because they're always 5 minutes early.
Overwhelmed? In a jam? Call a Virgo. They'll sort everything out.
They're attentive and responsive–if something's wrong or someone's being left out at a party, a Virgo will notice. And fix it.
Virgos do everything they set out to do, which makes their lives full and interesting.


Libras make any situation more pleasant. They bring the good vibes.
A Libra is happiest when everyone else is happy.
It's pretty much impossible to dislike a Libra. In fact, their official zodiac motto should be "Everybody loves a Libra!"
A Libra will help you see both sides of any issue.
They appreciate beauty and bring beauty into people's lives.
Speaking of beauty, they're quite beautiful themselves.
For a Libra, relaxing is an artform, and they are more than happy to invite others into their comfy cozy lifestyle.


Scorpios are the most loyal people you'll ever meet. Get a Scorpio on your side, you're set for life.
They're always down for a deep and meaningful conversation because they're obsessed with intimacy.
It's super fun to plot and scheme with a Scorpio.
Scorpios notice everything, every little detail. Get your hair cut? They'll compliment you on it. Change your lipstick shade? They'll notice.
If you do something nice for a Scorpio, they'll not only appreciate it, they'll remember it forever.
You'll never feel awkward talking about sex with a Scorpio. It's their favorite subject.
Scorpio is the most powerful sign of the zodiac. When they use their power for good, they can change the world.


Life with a Sagittarius is an adventure.
You won't find a more truly generous sign than Sagittarius. They will give and give with no strings attached.
A Sagittarian is a great person to bring to a party because they're cheerful, social, and well-liked.
They're opinionated and not afraid to fight for their beliefs.
At the same time, they're always open to hearing about other people's experiences and ideas.
You'll always know where you stand with a Sagittarius because they're so honest and straightforward.
Feeling sad and bitter? Call a Sagittarian. They can see the bright side of any situation.


Capricorns bring success to their lives and those around them.
Never pass up an invitation to a party at a Capricorn's house–they are amazing hosts.
They're strong and self-sufficient.
A Capricorn will always be there to support you. You can lean on a 5. Capricorn in hard times and they will help get you through it.
Ambitious and driven, their penchant for setting big goals will encourage you to do the same.
Earthy and warm, they're great little cuddlers.
The love of a Capricorn is usually accompanied by copious amounts of baked goods.


Aquarians have some of the most inventive and original ideas of all the signs of the zodiac.
They're clearheaded, objective, and give great advice.
Thanks to their quirky intellect, they're awesome conversationalists.
It's great to be in an Aquarian's social circle because they consider their friends to be their family.
They don't follow the crowd–they do their own thing.
Natural humanitarians, Aquarians want to make the world a better place, and they don't just talk about it, they do it.
On a broad scale and in day-to-day life, Aquarians want people to be happy and taken care of.


With their grace and otherworldly energy, they're kind of like fairies from another planet, which is awesome.
Making plans with a Pisces is easy because they're usually down for whatever–they go with the flow.
Need some psychic advice but running low on cash? Call up your super intuitive Pisces friend.
They are deep, soulful people.
Pisces are really understanding and validating. You can trust them with your emotions.
The calming energy of a Pisces is more effective than a glass of wine.
Their go-with-the-flow nature takes them to really amazing places. The way they live their lives is inspiring.


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