The Roses

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I was getting ready at my house after school to go to Shannon’s house. We had planned to go to an all age’s club that night that had just opened down the street from her house. I got on my new black skinny jeans and my favorite band t-shirt. I walked into the bathroom and put on some fresh makeup and teased my long midnight black hair. I heard a car outside so I got my high-tops and bag and ran down the stairs to the front door. I opened it up and looked down. A black rose was lying at my feet.


The rest of the weekend, I wondered who had left the rose. It wasn’t Mandy or Shannon and it wasn’t either of my sisters, so who could it be? My parents were away for work, so it was a mystery. The weekend went by in a blur and I rushed to school on Monday. I had never in my life been excited to go to school. As I was getting out of the car my parents had bought for me for my 16th birthday, (I finally had my permit) I noticed someone sitting in the car next to me. It was the guy I had run into last week. The guy who had stared at me during lunch. The guy who I was falling for and I didn’t even know his name. I walked over to the drivers’ side door and knocked on the window. He looked at me and he grinned. I moved aside so he could get out. “Hello again.” I said shyly.

Weird, I thought. I was never shy. “It’s nice to see you again.” I said in a stronger voice. He kept staring at me until he finally saw that I was waiting for him to speak. “Oh, yeah, it’s great to see you to. I never got the chance to introduce myself last week. My name is Chase. Chase Teller.” So that’s his name…it suits him. “I’m Falicity Mark.” He laughed and ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, I know your name. The day you ran head first into me your friend Shannon said your name.” I blushed. “That was an accident.” I laughed nervously. Why was I so nervous? He was just a guy!

“No need to be nervous Falicity. I was just jokin’ around. I also wanted to know if you were free tomorrow night.” I stared in awe. He was asking me out! Oh my gosh! “Yeah, I’d love to, Chase.” I smiled at him and he grinned back. That smile…Then you noticed Mandy and Shannon casually but slowly making their way over. “Alright, cool. I’ll pick you up at eight o’clock. ‘Bye!” Chase walked away. He waved at Shannon and Mandy as he passed by them and they looked at my incredulously. “What happened?!” They both shouted. I held up my hands. “He asked me out!” I answered happily. “Victory!” Shannon yelled. We all laughed.

That night I went dress shopping with Mandy. Lots of events were coming up. My aunts wedding, prom and the best of them all, my date with Chase. I picked out a short, tight purple dress for my date, a black dress that poofed at the waist for prom and a flowing silver gown for my aunts wedding. I had a million questions racing through my head. Where would we go? What would we do? Would he kiss me? Should I kiss him? It was like bumper cars in their, all of my thoughts running into each other at full speed.

I got home at seven and walked into the kitchen with my bags. My mother was sitting at the table designing clothing with her long blonde hair hanging into her face. She looked up and smiled. “Hi, honey! How was your day?” my mom was a preppy lady. Always full of questions and never got mad. I was very surprised since her job was so stressful. My mom is a fashion designer for her own company. She was the nicest boss you could ever wish for in your life. My dad owns his own business to. He was a lawyer with a big office and was out of town a lot. Even though he and my mom spent limited time together, they were still deeply in love.

As you have probably noticed, my family has some money, but I’m not a snob who rubs it in peoples faces, don’t worry. I’m actually a really nice person. “My day was great! I went dress shopping with Mandy. Oh, and guess what? The new guy, Chase, asked me out!” Just then my sister Clarisse walked in with her friend Kasey. “That’s great Falicity!” my sister said with enthusiasm. “What will you wear?” I dug into one of my bags and pulled out my purple dress. “Wow! That’s stunning sweetie!” my mom exclaimed. She smiled at me. Kasey just stood against the all. She was a very shy girl, but you could tell by her body language just what she was feeling and thinking. I could tell she liked it. “Thanks guys. I think I’m gonna take a shower and then go to bed. It’s been a long day.” I said with a yawn.

My mom got up and hugged me. “I think I’ll turn in to. Don’t stay up to late Clarisse. Good night girls!” She blew kisses and headed upstairs. After she left I walked out into the hallway and made my way over to the front door, bags in tow. I had left my jacket over here and I wanted to retrieve it so I wouldn’t forget in the morning. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I looked at the clock that hung over the stairs and it said 7:30 p.m. Why was somebody here so late? I opened the door but found that nobody was their. I was about to close the door when something on the ground caught my eye. I looked down and saw a black rose. I picked it up and backed into the house. I locked the door and ran up the stairs and into my room that was straight ahead. I put the rose on my desk with the other one and got in the shower. The questions returned.

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