Love At It's Finest And Worst

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A couple hours later my mom came home from work. I looked at Chase. “Come on. I want you to meet someone.” He smiled and I grabbed his hand. We walked up the stairs and went into the kitchen where my mother was poking her head into the refrigerator. She looed up when we came in. “Well who is this Falicity?” She winked at me and I grinned. “This is Chase.” I replied. Chase half bowed and half waved. “It is very nice to meet you Mrs. Mark.” I laughed. My mom grinned. “Would you like to join us for dinner? I’m making steak and potatoes it seems.” He looked over at me and I nodded encouragingly. “I would be honored to stay for dinner ma’am.” I laughed as he said it in a goofy british accent. “Well, that’s wonderful. Now you t run upstaris while I cook.”

She winked at me again and shooed us out of the room.

“Well, lets go!” I said. I grabbed his hand and we rased upstairs and into my room. Chase looked around in amazement as I close the door. My room was black with neon splatters all aroung the room. My bedspread was bright green and hot pink and I had a walk-in closet.Chase sat down on my bed and looked up at my ceiling which had posters of various bands. “I love your room.” He whispered. I giggled and sat next to him. Before I could say anything he kissed me. We made out for at least an hour when my sister Laura knocked on the door. “Dinner’s ready!” She yelled and I heard her walk down the hallway and jumped down the stairs. I got up and handed Chase his shirt which had been thrown acrost the room in the process of out makeout. He put it on and reached for my hand. “Let us eat my fine beauty.”


The next morning Chase didn’t come to pick me up so I had Clarisse to drive me. When I got there Chase wasn’t at school. I got a little worried that he was sick, but decided he was probably fine and I as just over reacting. I tried calling him during lunch break but I only got his voicemail. He must be sick, I thought.

I went home that afternoon but still hadn’t heard anything. I was in my room doing homework when Clarisse walked in and sat on my bed. “Where’s Chase today?” she asked. I looked up from my algebra. “Oh? I don’t know. He’s probably just sick.” I looked back at my sheet and started another problem. “He didn’t call?” I could tell she was staring at me. “No and he didn’t answer when I called him. Like I said though. He’s probably just sick.” Clarisse shook her head. “Alright.” She walked out of the room and closed the door.

I set aside my homework and thought about Chase. Had I done something wrong? Had we taken it to far last night? I was just worrying. I tried to convince myself he was just sick but fir some reason I just couldn’t believe that…


The next day Chase did not pick me up again so I got a ride from Clarisse. As I walked into school I noticed Chase standing by his locker. I ran over to him.

“Chase! Whats up honey? Are you alright?” I asked and looked him up and down. He didn’t smile back at me. I hugged him and he leaned back.

“I can’t do this anymore Falicity.” I stared at him, not understanding.

“I’m breaking up with you.” His look was so intense I knew he wasn’t lieing.My eyes teared up.

“Did I do someting wrong?” I asked quietly. I thought about the last few days. Everything had gone perfect.

“Don’t talk to me Falicity. Don’t even call me. I don’t want to be friends.” I watched him walk away as I burst into tears. I ran to the nearest bathroom. I burst into a stall and slammed the door shut. The loud noise echoed throughout the empty room. I cried for what seemed like hours. What had happened? Everything we had done…it had seemed perfect.

The bell rang and I decided I couldn’t stay here forever and I couldn’t go to class since Chase was there. I walked straight out of the school without looking back and ran for home.

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