Meeting the new guy

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I finally got home, and walked inside. "Oh my God Skylar Louise Fankerfine (Fan-ker-fine)! Where the heck have you been??!? My mom screamed the moment I walked in the door. "I'm sorry I was just...Walking around." I said, lying through my teeth. "Wait...does it involve boys? BECAUSE you and your father and I need to have the sex talk first young lady." She said, pausing after each word. "Mom. Chill I was just walking." The room started spinning. I heard a thud, then realized I was on the floor.

---Moms P.O.V---

Oh my goodness...

I started shaking her, trying to wake her up. I called 911, and waited sobbing.

---Skylar P.O.V---

I woke up in a strange room. I didn't open my eyes though. "She had to much stress Miss. Fankerfine."I heard a female voice say. "We will keep her overnight." Only this time it was a male. I felt a horrid pinching in my arm, and opened my eyes. "Your awake!" I heard my mom sob, and hug me. "Mhhmm..." I mumble, and fall Back asleep.


I walked into my last year at this stupid high school. "Hey Sky!" Mary shouted, giving me a hug. "Hey Skylar..." Marys boyfriend Jake said. "Sup Female!" I shouted back. We all laughed, wrapped our arms around each other, and walked in. We were greeted by tons of people. "Sky, I heard you were in the hospital a ton of times this summer. Is it true?" Mary whispered while smiling and saying hello. "Yeah, but don't worry. I'm ok." I say, smiling. We head to our lockers, and get our French books. We walk to class, and start the day.


I walk straight out of the building, with 17 little wannabe popular Freshman clinging to me. "Omg I love your hair!" One squeals. "I love your shirt!" Another squeals. "Guys-" I start but get cut off. "I love your voice!" One squeaks. "Guys, listen, I have to go to work. See you tomorrow right here, ok?" I say, without killing all of their super squeaky voices. "I love you!" They all scream, then run off. "Gahd." I murmer, and head off to the restaurant. I'm a waiter at Beefs beefy beef, which is actually a lot healthier than it sounds. I walk in, grab my hat and waiter skirt, and head to table 11. "Hi! My name is Sky. I'll be your waiter today! What would you like to drink?" I ask, without looking at the young man sitting in front of me. "Uhm, this is my first time. Have a seat, and help me figure this stuff out." He says, with a soft voice. I look at him, and my head starts screaming " HOTTIE HOTTIE HOTTIE ALERT!" I sit down, and take another look at him. His jet black hair hangs over his forehead, but it's not covering his Sky blue eyes. He's perfectly tan, and a baby blue shirt sticks to his stomach so you can see is 8 pack perfectly. "What time does your shift end?" He first asks. "6:30'" I say, glancing at the clock. It's only 4:00. He sighs. "How old are you?" He asks with a sly grin. "17." I say. "Same!" The guy says. "What's your name?" I ask. "James.James Ford." He says with a grin. "What's your real name?" He asks me. "Skylar." I say. "Beautiful name." He says back. When I look at the clock again, it was 5:00! "Hold on a sec." I tell him, then find my manager. "Boss, no one is here. May I go early?" I say, singing. He loves it when I sing. "Sure Sky. See you tomorrow babe!" He chuckles at me. We are the bestest of best friends. We can't live without each other. "Lol. Kbye." I giggle, then go back to James. "Let's go!" I say. We leave the restaurant, and walk to the park. "Sky...I know we just met...but will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me, while looking at his feet. I take my hand and gently lift up his chin, and he looks me in the eyes. "Yes." I whisper, leaning in for a kiss. We exchanged numbers, and were going on a date tomorrow at 9:00 pm. I walked back to the dinner, hopped in my car, and I drove home. The second I walked inside my house I took off my brown moccasins, ran up to my room, and jumped onto my bed.


1 New Message:

From unknown number

Hey, it's James! <3

Hi it's Sky :)

Gtg. gnight :) <3

Night cutie :) <3


I put my head on my pillow, and fell asleep.

I woke up, and turned on my IPhone to look at the time. 4:30!!!?!?!!? (pm) I shot up, and ate breakfast/lunch. I sprinted upstairs, and it was 5:00. I opened up my closet, and pulled out a little black number that went barely in between my thighs. I pulled it on, and it was very tight. I ran to the bathroom. I combed out my hair, and then brushed it. I grabbed my curler, and curled all my hair except my bangs. I straightened my bangs, then pulled them back with a Bobby pin. I brushed my teeth until they were a bright white, and put on lipstick. I put on a lot of black eyeliner, with a little triangle on the side of my eye. I put on a light blue mascara, and a little blush. I checked the time on my phone again, and it was already seven. I barely ran down the stairs to the closet, where it took an hour and a half to find black heels. I had 30 minutes left, and ran back upstairs to get to my family's purse room. I grabbed a dark red clutch, and put 300$ in it. I also put my phone in it, and my makeup incase he broke my heart and I cried. It was 8:55 when the doorbell rang. At the same time, I heard a ding on my phone. I walked down the stairs, checking my phone.

1 New Message.

From My Babe <3

Here :))

"I know." I giggle, opening the door. His jaw dropped open.

---James' Pov---

My jaw dropped. She looked amazing. Spectacular. She looked 17. I was so glad she's my date.

---Skylar pov---

He told me I was beautiful. I had written a note to my parents saying where I was and my new phone # in case they needed me. We got in his car, and drove off to some place. He gently put a blind fold over me, saying where we were going was a secret. I hate blind folds. I started fidgeting, trying to get it off me. "Woah, Sky, you OK?" He asks me. "Uhmm...." I say. "We are almost there. I promise." He says, then places his hand on mine. I grin, then sit in silence. I feel the car stop. "We are here Sky."He says smoothly. "Can I take it off?" I say uneasily. "Not yet." He held my hand. I twitched at his touch. "It's ok. You can trust me. I won't hurt you." He says. We walk for a few minutes, then he says "You can take it off now." I take it off, and I find myself in front of a lake. I look at the picnic set up in front of us, and smile. "Did you do all this?" I ask. "Of course. I'll do anything for you." He says, kissing my head. I grin, then take a seat. We eat and chat, until he asks the question. "Why didn't you like the blind fold?" He questions. I knew I could trust him, so I told him. Everything. When I finished, I heard clapping. I whipped my head around, and found Tyler standing there. But it wasn't just him. There were 16 people with him. "No..No...NO!" I scream! James and I jump up, and he runs in front of me. "It's ok Sky." He says. "Aw little thing of a boy is blocking my daughter. Grab him and leave the girl to me." Tyler says. "Run!" I yell. We sprint to the car, and I was faster because I took off my heels and chucked them at the guys. We hopped in the car, and drove away. We soon had at least 7 cars on our trail. We sped up, and went to the police station. They followed us in, but covering their faces. "Hello Mr.Pedy! It's me, Skylar." I grinned. "The men behind us escaped jail and tried to kidnap me. Arrest them again at once." I told him. They grabbed the guys, and led them to the back room. But they didn't have Tyler. On the way back to my house I cried the whole time. I walked in the house, and Tyler was kissing my mom in front of the door. "Mom!" I yell. They break away. "What?" She shoots back. "Tyler is the one who kidnapped me." I growl. "Now sweetie, you probably just mixed him up." She answers. "No, babe she's right. I did kidnap her." He said, pulling out a gun. "Die in a hole creep." He said to my mom, shooting her. I screamed no, then ran to the car. But when I opened the door to James' car, I found him dead to.



I'm so happy I finished this! I've been working nonstop to get it done. I'm already Half was through the next chapter.


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