Sam and Olivia Salvatore

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A/N: In this one shot, Olivia is around 8 years old in the first part.

In the second part, Sam is a bit older- around 13 years old.

Thanks to crisamber90 for the request! Hope you like it. :)

Chapter Eleven: Sam and Olivia Salvatore.

He did her hair this morning, a high ponytail that makes his little girl look like a 1970s rocker. He laughs a little as he pulls the hair brush one last time through her hair and thinks that if Elena saw them both at the moment that she'd probably cry at how ridiculously adorable Olivia looks or at how ridiculous she looks, he hasn't really decided yet.

"I like it." She smirks, turning to the side as she notices it's a bit lopsided. Stefan nods in agreement, quietly wondering how his wife is fairing on the first day of her new job. "Dad?" Olivia asks softly, turning towards Stefan with her beaming bright eyes, leaning her back into the counter.

"Yeah, honey.." His voice trails off as he turns his back towards her, picking up a rubber band that fell on the floor when she was being wiggly from him accidentally pulling her hair. The curious tone in her voice makes him stop in his tracks and quickly take a seat on the edge of their bath tub. "Where did I get my name from?"

Stefan exhales deeply. Thanking god that it wasn't anything too serious. For example, his eight year old daughter telling him that she had a crush on the little nerdy kid in her classroom. He smiles not too long after as he remembers the exact moment he knew that she was going to be named after his late mother.

"You were named after your grandmother, Olivia Salvatore. My mom." Stefan swallows the lump in his throat as the last few childhood memories of his mother flash through his mind. Her dark brown hair and eyes smiling at him, the smell of her floral perfume and her warm hugs.

"What was she like?" Olivia questions, taking a seat next to her father as she places her right hand on top of his and they sit in silence for a while. Stefan can't help but smile. It's been a long time since anyone has asked about his mother and he misses her. He and Damon had stopped talking about their parents years earlier because too many of the memories that involved them were heartbreaking and it hurt too much.

"Your grandmother was a funny, amazingly beautiful and very loving person. You know," Stefan says with a light nudge of her shoulder before he clears his throat and adds in. "I see a little bit of her in you, every day."

"You do?" Olivia asks, a beaming smile spreading across her face.

Nodding, he continues in a soft tone. "Yeah. You have your grandmother's smile." He states, ruffling the top of her ponytail as Olivia giggles and the phone rings in the other room. She watches her dad get up, stopping him just near the door when she says in a sweet tone. "Daddy, I wish I would have known grandma."

Stefan chokes back tears as he turns to her slowly and locks his eyes on her. "I wish you would have known her too, Olivia. She would have loved you a lot. She really would have, just like I do." He states, leaving the room just in time to catch the last ring of the phone.

She's been running around town all morning with him. Soccer season's began and Elena just doesn't know whether she can handle all the chaos. From taking Olivia to dance recital and her son to school and then to practice. She's beyond exhausted. Although, there's something about today that makes her smile when Sam turns towards her on the bleachers, placing his soccer cleats near his mother. She's bundled up because it's late in the evening and starting to get gloomy and cloudy all of a sudden and it's cold. Elena watches Sam smile at her, place his hand on top of hers as he says in a sweet tone. "Mom, thank you for being here."

"Samuel!" She shouts, tossing him a water bottle as he stops just a few feet away and returns towards her. "You never told me the story." He says, watching Elena give him a perplexed look as he smiles at her and shrugs his shoulders back.

"Story of what?" She asks him, trying to figure what he's even talking about.

"Of why you and dad named me, Samuel...Sam." He comments, watching Elena lean her head back from laughing a little and then she collects herself by shouting out to him.

"Well, honey. You go out on that soccer field, make your mother proud of you and on the car ride home, I promise that I will tell you all about it!" He nods at her, running to his team as she curls up into a blanket and remembers the moment that her and Stefan decided on the names of their children.

They win the game. A small group of tiny 8th graders and her son being the tallest of all the young thirteen year old's, Elena smiles proudly at him all the way until they get into the car. Sam's pretty sure that she drives home with a plastered smile on her face as they sing along to his favorite songs during the whole drive back. After the third song ends, he finally turns down the radio and asks her the same question that he had been inquiring about earlier in the day.

"You were named after a friend of your fathers. He had a son named Alexander Samuel and your dad and I named you after him. That's why Alexander is your middle name." She explains, watching Sam fidget a little when he asks curiously. "Mom, what happened to his son?"

She hadn't thought about Sean or Alex in years. Really, the last time Stefan or anyone else had talked about them was ten years after the little boy had died and they had gotten news that Sean got married and had just had a new baby with his wife, leaving New York before forever. The baby was a little boy, which made everyone think of Alex.

"He died of cancer at the age of six." She quietly tells her son, gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter now as the memories of the little boy and his father fill her mind, while they get closer and closer to home. Elena had only met Sean and Alex just a few times over the course of her dating Stefan in the beginning of their relationship. Although, they had both left a lasting impact on her.

"What did they mean to dad? The little boy and his father?" Sam asks his mother as she closes her eyes for just a second and tries to hold back tears. She remembers Stefan telling her that Sean and his son had meant a lot to both Damon and him. Sean's family had been a large part of helping Stefan and his older brother after the death of their own parents. Sean's mother became like a surrogate to the boys, while his father told them stories of what their dad was like when he was younger since they had grown up together.

"Sean and his family helped your father become who he is today. A strong, amazing and good hearted man. They helped your uncle Damon convince himself that being a firefighter was what he wanted to do after he lost his parents. And, Alex..Well, he showed Stefan and I that life's too short to live it in fear or with any regrets. Alex was a strong little boy and your dad never wanted to forget him. So, that's why your middle name is Alexander. Samuel was your great grandfather's name and he too was just as amazing. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're named after some very important people, Sam. So, be proud of that. Because, you are just as wonderful as they are."

A/N: Have a request? Please send it to me or leave me a comment! Thanks so much for reading! :)

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