n i n e

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I woke up with a slight headache, wincing. The pain thudded gently against my temples, and I groaned and rolled over.

My mouth was dry and my eyes ached, probably from crying all night.

"Ivy," Cara called from my doorway, knocking. I lay facefirst into my pillow, breathing in the lingering scent of my lavender shampoo.

"I feel gross," I said, muffled by the pillow.

"Would a run make you feel better?" she asked perkily.




"Exercise always makes me feel better," Cara chirped.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Fine," I sighed, "but if it doesn't go away I'll kill you."

"Pack a bag, I'll be by the door."

I stood up, slowly shuffling over to my closet and taking off my fuzzy pyjama bottoms. I stretched on some leggings and threw my hair in a ponytail, leaving on the old, gross shirt I had slept in. As I walked down the stairs dragging my nike bag, she handed me a water bottle and opened the door.

"Are you wearing a bra?" Cara asked as I walked through the door, stopping in the frame.

"I don't want to," I said, facing her and pouting.

"Go put on a bra."


She gave me a look and I let out a long, exasperated sigh, turning back to my bedroom.


A bead of sweat rolled down my cheek as I ran on the treadmill. Cara's blond ponytail flounced as she pumped her arms, looking straight ahead in concentration.

"What... do you think... about Nick?" I puffed out between desperate gasps of air. Nick was the next-door neighbour who was crushing on Cara. He had fallen hard.

Breathing heavily, Cara sighed. "Not interested."

I turned the dial on the machine down to a fast walk, and Cara mimicked me.

"Are you sure? He seems like he showers," I said, smirking.

She turned to me, grinning. "Hygiene is only one of the many things I like in guys," she explained.

I snorted, "Yah, and how long is the list?"

"Ivy, none of your business."

"Probably infinite," I chuckled, and Cara rolled her eyes and took a gulp of water.

"Whatever." she grumbled, turning off the machine, "Let's go shower."


I opened the door and was met face to face with the freckled, brown-haired boy I knew oh to well.

"Cara's not here, Nick." I blurted automatically.

"Oh. Can you tell her I was here?"

I raised an eyebrow.


"She isn't interested," I said, tucking a piece of wet hair behind my ear.

He looked startled at first, then his eyes drifted to the ground and he shifted his feet.

"Yeah, I figured," he mumbled.

"Then why do you keep coming back?"

"She might not be interested, but I am." he said with bright eyes.

"Oh-kaay..." I said slowly.

"Just tell her I was here?" Nick looks so hopeful.

"Can do." I shut the door and walked to the kitchen, where Cara sat at the counter stirring her cereal with a spoon.

"Eventually, you have to talk to him," I said matter-oh-factly.

"I enjoy listening to you make him squirm, though," she grinned, making me laugh.

I slid onto the stool beside her. "The poor guy thinks he has a chance. At least don't let him get his hopes up."

She smiled. "His hopes have been up for a long time, Ivy. I don't think anything can bring them down."

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