Chapter 7

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The twins were beautiful.

"What are their names?" I ask as the doctor put one of the twins in my arms as I laid in the hospital bed.

"Aaliyah & Aalayah." Lavelle said smiling while holding Aalayah.

"Aww. Thts soo cute. Who named them?" I asked looking at him.

"You did. You don't remember telling me a long time ago 'if we have this we would name them this.'. I remember...." Lavelle says looking at me shocked.


"Oh, now I remember. Did I even have a baby shower?" I said saddened.

"Yeah girl, you did. Here's some pictures!" Diamond said handing me a

thick photo album.

I smiled looked at all the pictures. A lot of my family made it down here over the year. New years was spent only with Lavelle. Christmas he got me a Diamond necklace, a Diamond ring(which I'm wearing 😊). He said he was gonna get me more stuff once I hot out of the hospital. For my birthday EVERYONE(my sides of the family & Lavelle's sides of his family)came to the hospital to celebrate. Lavelle was there for me a lot. Even know he still had to work, he made sure he came to check on me/see me. I LOVE him.

"Wow! I can't believe everyone came to support me! Thank you all!!!" I said crying & kissing Aaliyah, then Lavelle & Aalayah. Diamond, Shay, Autumn Winter gave me a big hug.

"Your welcome!" Everyone said in unison smiling.

Lavelle wiped my tears away & kissed me.

"You all mind if we can talk privately for a minute." Lavelle said

They quietly left out the room, closing the door behind them softly. Lavelle turned towards me.

"Will you really marry me?..." he asked nervously while gently rocking Aalayah.

"Yes. Of course I will." I say smilin & kissing him on the cheek.

I looked at the beautiful sparkling ring on my finger. Live can be hell for a while but then heaven for a long time.

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