Aries: Patrick was wearing a shirt, socks, and a hat.
Taurus: 1-2-3... 3-2-1... 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10! 10 to one!
Gemini: F*CK YOU
Cancer: *pours beer on self*
Leo: It was the summer of 2001 and Joe said to Patrick "Yo, I know about music."
Virgo: And Brendon Urie had nothing to do with it
Libra: Makeup is great for a guy because it makes a guy feel beautiful
Scorpio: "Yo I got a soul voice"
Sagittarius: And Patrick said "Yo, I know MORE about music."
Capricorn: So Patrick was like "Yo watch this 'Where is your boy toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight'"
Aquarius: "What's go-oo-oo-oo-oood?"
Pisces: It's real and it doesn't matter.
a/n: that is WILLLDDDDD patrick!
i love my kohai xD