Anastasia Lucendent Adela

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"Here comes my favorite daughter!" My father's loud voice booms through the large room. Servants stationed around the walls of the room break into smirks.

The balcony on the left side of the room was open so a light breeze blew through the room. I smiled as it cooled my cheeks and blew the small curls around my face back.

  A large dining table was in the center of the room with a grand fireplace to the right with a small sitting area for the royal family to lounge about after meals. During the winter when the fire is ablaze it is easy to cuddle around and enjoy a hot meal.

Around the large table that was the central piece of the room, my family waited patiently as I walked towards them. My father sat at the head of the table, a grand seat similar to the design of his throne was barely visible over his broad shoulder. Mother sat to his right, as she always does. Father's consistent right hand and decision maker.

James sat to the left side of my father, his dark hair pulled back in a messy knot at the back of his head. I can hardly remember a time where James hasn't worn his hair long so he could wear the traditional ponytail at the nape of his neck. Today, however, it was obvious he had quickly put it up because several strands were falling loosely around his face.

I could see our mother eyeing him from the other side of the table, she would rather have him keep his hair cleanly cut.

His blue eyes spied me with their usual brightness as he waited for me to claim the empty chair beside him.

Augustus sat next to my mother across from my seat. His curly red hair was messy and wild like it always is after riding. He looked so much like my mother with his matching blue eyes.

Charles sat quietly beside Augustus. His dark brown hair kept falling into his face as he tried to look discreetly at the book in his lap. His brown eyes only glances up when my footsteps neared the table.

  Philip and Alexander occupied the two chairs beside my empty seat. The only difference between the two twins is the one renegade curl of red hair that Alex can never keep out of his catlike brown eyes that both twins share.

One big happy family.

I take my seat at the table, happily leaning back in an unladylike manner that sends the fabrics of my skirt swaying. My mother sighs when she sees my long curls have already gone back to their natural state of tight ringlets. She straightened her already perfect posture and I took it as a sign I needed to do the same.

She likes when my hair is tame. It is longer that way and falls to my waist. Now, with my tight ringlets, my hair in almost an inch shorter.

"Ready for tomorrow?" She asks with a raise of her slender eyebrow, though I could already tell she knows my answer.

I frown, glancing from mother to the watching eyes of our family. "I don't want to do this," I say through clenched teeth.

Mother and Father give me a sad smile in return. I can feel the nervous glances from my brothers as Mother reaches across the table to touch my hand tenderly. "I'm sorry my dear, but the Clans of the Five Kingdoms must be united with the princes and princesses. It brings us closer together." She often tells me this, and the look in her eyes pleaded with me to understand why I must go through with the trials.

I remember the stories that Mother would tell me as a child. That a divided kingdom is no kingdom. We need to bring together the Five Kingdoms with the younger royals and keep the nation as one.

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