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Awkward diner trips

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, My dad hates spoons. I think it's some weird phobia."

I laugh that laugh when nothing comes out but you have your face scrunched up and you're slightly losing oxygen by the second. Then finally a gasp fell out my mouth to give me air.

"That's so cute.." Justin chuckled but trailed off.

"No, I sound like a dying hyena." I laughed a little more but slowly quiet down. "Eh, you okay?"

Justin didn't say anything but he reassured me with a smile and nod. I can tell it was genuine so I didn't push any farther. Smiling, I stand up to put the broom back in the back.

Catching Justin putting the mop back in the water filled bucket. He smirked down at the bucket then looked up. Our eyes captured each other's, leaving me to smirk back. There goes that uneasy comfort feeling again.. Ignoring it I distinct myself from my own mind and watching Justin's movements more carefully.

He grabbed onto the mop stick tighter which made his knuckles whiten. I furrowed my eyebrows as one of his rose up. Piecing together what was going on I slowly started to back away.

"Justin, if you even think about throwing water on me. I will ki- Ah!" I jumped from the wet feeling hitting my thighs and arms. "You bastard!"

My mouth hung open as I took in the water that sat on my body. Justin started to laugh historically as I glared at him in hatred. Shaking my arms out I groaned then stopped.

"Come give me a hug Jay." I reach out my arms but Justin only laughs while shaking his head.

Not taking no as an answer I decided to walk toward him, as he walked backwards I leaped forward. I get a hold of his arm and reach up to rub my hand across his face. I succeeded and an huge smile appeared across my face.

Justin face scrunched up in disgust but a smile played on his face. Returning the gesture I began to laugh as of karma. Holding my stomach I doubled over as I tried to catch my breathe. Standing up straight again I looked at Justin who was now wiping his face with his shirt.

"It wasn't that funny.." He spoke in a bitter tone.

"It was to me." I let out a final chuckle. Rolling my eyes as my stomach growled like an angry dog. "I'm hungry..apparently."

"Wanna go get some coffee or something from the diner around the corner?" Justin suggested. I thought about it for awhile, how would people react to that?

Not giving it anymore thought because it will cause me to overthink, I agreed. Nodding and heading over to the cash register to get the shop keys.

Grabbing my purse from the coat rack, I put the strap over my head and let it sit on my right shoulder. Smiling at Justin to mentally tell him 'I'm ready'. He nodded and lead our way out the door. Locking it before going any further, we continued on our way down the street.

We were silent the whole way there. It wasn't a awkward silence but I wouldn't say it was comfortable. I felt like Justin head wasn't there, and I just walked.

"woohoo ! earth to Justin. We're here." I rolled my eyes with attitude. Him responding with 'mhm'.

I grabbed Justin wrist dragging him into the diner. As we walk through the entrance the bell rang. Everyone in the place turned to face our way. This diner was what I would say.. our community food place. Everyone was African-Amercian.

1950 // j.b [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now