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Cleaning & Weird calls

Hanging with Justin had me thinking of how much I was truly avoiding my own two bestfriends. Feeling a little bad I went straight home after my shift and ran to the house phone.

"Guess who finally decided to call Brandon, Paige. Our bestfriend." Alexus speaking in a monotone voice. Rolling my eyes and sighing.

"I've been busy with the shop. I'm sorry.." My tone turning sad. Raising my eyebrow and smiling hoping she would just forgive me without the begging.

"It's okay." I can tell she rolled her eyes. It was just a bestfriend thing. "Well, what we doing tomorrow? I can help you with the shop- yeah, me too!" Brandon interrupted. I chuckled as fussing came from the other side of the phone.

"Okay! Both of you can help while I'm doing homework." I smiled.

"oh yeah.. we do have math homework. ugh," Same, lex. "I forgot since school was cancelled tomorrow."

"Yeah." I shrugged.

I heard more whispering and movement from the other end of the phone. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to make out what was being said. Once I finally realized I couldn't quite understand what they were saying I sighed loudly to signal the two children on the phone that I was bored.

"Oh!" I heard Lex, loudly. "Girl, I'll see you at the shop tomorrow."

"whatever." I shrugged and told them my kisses goodbye and lost our line.

laying back on the couch I sighed loudly. I was now bored with no one to talk to. Where is my mama?

As if on que a caramel brown skinned somewhat tall beautiful lady walked through the door holding a couple paper bags and frowning.

"You need some help mom?" I announced which caused her to jump slightly.

"Oh, hun. What are you doing here? The shop doesn't close this early." She spoke in a breathless voice.

"Mom, Do you need some help?" I lightly chuckled as I picked up the bags from her arms. Smiling I walked into the kitchen and sat down the groceries on the dinner table.

"Don't try to distract me young lady. Why are you here so early?" Her voice a little more stern.

I rolled my eyes then turned around with a smile. I just didn't want to be in the shop anymore mom. Something I could say unless I want a slap across my face. Huffing, I walked into my mom and hugged her.

"I was tired. I haven't gotten any sleep lately mom. I just needed a break, I'll go back." I confirmed.

My mom hugged me back most likely rolling her eyes behind my back.

"It's okay. I'll go. You stay back and put up the groceries and clean the house. eh?" She slyly smirked.

I let go of her body and stood in front of her staring at her in horror. Girl... what?! The last thing I wanted to do was clean up the house. It's not like it was messy as hell but I just didn't want to do it.

"are you giving me a ultimatum?" I asked with one eyebrow up.

"Nope. Bye honey." She kissed my cheek and picked up the shop keys on the coffee table. Leaving out the door with a final wave goodbye.

My face was scrunched up in anger but I decided not to scream just yet. She'll be able to hear me since she's still close.

You know.. Legally, I'm not suppose to be home alone! I screamed at her in my head. Finally letting go of the anger I replaced it with annoyance.

I have clean the house which seemed to me, clean already. Parents.. come home and spot anything to clean.

Starting in the kitchen I grabbed meat, vegetables, fruits, chips, etc. out the brown bags and put everything where they belong.

Moving along to the sink I made some dish water and sat the dirty dishes into the water. Letting it soak for a couple seconds then scrubbing them with soap. Raising off all the dishes I was finally done.

Already tired I walked to the couch and slumped down into it. Letting out a puff then a sigh then a grunt. That's really unattractive. I can just hear Alexus saying those exact words as I chuckled.

Catching me offguard the phone rang. Slowly getting up from the couch I walked over to the house phone.

"Hello?" I spoke with a little attitude.

"Is Darius by any chance home?" A hispanic accent deep voice guy asked.

"uh.. No? Who is this?" I asked with confusion.

"Tell him to meet me at noon." The phone line went dead. Staring at the phone with my eyebrows knitted for awfully too long. I finally put it back.

What the hell has he gotten himself into now?

Triple update? hm..

Do you guys even read these?

anyways, I got so much stuff in my head for this hfsgjhddhf sorry I haven't been updating. I had writer's block for too long. It's actually extremely hard to feel inspired when school is in your way.

I got you now. I have a couple ideas for this book so now I won't leave you hanging for so long. If I try hard enough I'll maybe update every Monday.

Nah, I'll update whenever however many times ;).

short but gives some info.

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