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Brotherly Love (It might say some stupid mistakes because I didn't edit)

The only sound I could hear as I lay my head down on the arm rest of the couch is tiny creaks from the hardwood floors. Silence swallow the house whole with only light car wheels gliding on the streets from outside.

Seeing headlights hit my face through my closed eyelids I slowly flutter my eyes open. Raising my head up to see the time. 12:35. Where's Mom and Dad? Questions ran through my head as I crept up from the loud settling couch. Not realizing the blanket that laid across my body.

Tip toeing down the hall I came to a stop by my parents room. Slowly I cracked open the door to spot two figures toss in the beat up Queen sized bed. Closing the door back I walked back normally to the kitchen.
Opening the fridge I grabbed the water pitcher and poured myself a cold glass.

Feeling my bladder weaken I set my cup down and make my way to the only bathroom in the house. Running upstairs and making my way to the door.

While doing what I gotta do I heared movement coming from downstairs which caused my body to perk up slightly. I'm a very paranoid girl. Flushing and washing my hands, I slowly walked out the bathroom and grabbed the bat that sat across the hall in my room. ( I get this paranoid all the time lol)

Making my way down the stairs as some of the wood creaked I mumbled variety of curse words as I held the bat so tight if I was any paler my knuckles would turn white.
Looking around the completely dark room in front of me I sighed and took one step. Immediately bumping into someone causing me to belt out in an horrific scream but before it could get any louder or worse my mouth was covered.

"What the hell is wrong with you sis?!" The familiar voice spoke with annoyance in his voice. Darius.

If he don't let go of my mouth I will lick him. As if he read my mind he let go.

"Well don't freakin' scare me like that!" I sternly argued. Not my fault you wanted to creep in this house, walk around in the dark and not turn on one single light.

After we both let our breathing settle down we sat at the diner table.

"Where you been? Haven't seen you in a while.." I asked uncertain if I wanted the true answer.

"Busy." The tone he used let me know I didn't want to know.

"Darius, you need to stop running around this town like you King shit. You think these white people want to see a black man walking around town with a big head like yours on its shoulder?" I spoke in only concern. "Running streets won't get you no where! You can't be trustin no hispanics and shit."

"Look Paige, get out my business. This has nothing to do with you, Why you all in my personal life for anyway-"

"Cause you're my brother! I-"

"I know that." He cut me off. "And you need to keep it down."

"I just want answers.. I'm worried about you, skump." I smirked lightly. He returned the gesture.

At that I remembered the phone call from earlier. Keeping quiet I mentally decided if I wanted to tell him or not. Biting on my bottom lip I looked everywhere but at him. Closing my eyes and running my hand up my face and down my hair.

"Look, some hispanic man called today." This seem to get his attention. I tried to get the line out as quickly as I could.

"Wait, what?" He caught it. "He called here? shit.."

I looked at him with the most dirtiest look from tonight. I could kill him by my eyes. "What are you getting in D?"

He didn't respond. If I knew anything it's when he got silent it was only for the better to not push it. But of course being me I do the complete opposite.

"I know you mad about getting jumped but you really need to take a few steps back-" I started to preach but was quickly interrupted.

"Paige seriously mind your business. I Love You but this has nothing to do with you, I'm not letting this slide." I could see the vain popping out of his temple.

"Do you know what they'll do to you?!" I started to shouted but lowered my voice. "You are so big headed that you do nothing but make stupid choices!"

"Yeah, whatever." He nodded his head my way and stormed out the kitchen.

Hearing a little 'umph' sound, I looked up. Seeing the bronzed skin, brown haired slim thick woman known as my sister in the kitchen doorway. Tori arms crossed and her face has an unamused look upon it.

"You know you can't tell him nothing.. His pride is just-"

"Yeah, I know." I rolled my eyes and sighing deeply.

Tori came closer to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. She smiled lightheartedly.

"It's okay P." She encouraged. "He won't do anything that stupid; lets hope."

We both chuckled but left it at that. Putting my arm around her shoulder we walked out the kitchen.

'I'm just worried'. I thought.

I love you guys so much 😭❤️

4k reads!! Fucking amazing!

So many times I wanted to end this book but I'm still going strong. I might get a little uninspired but since this the only book I will be focusing on for awhile so I will probably update more.


Should I create an interracial fanfic of The 1975 because I don't see any of those..?


What would you like to see happen in this book?

Also, from this chapter on down is when stuff gets hectic and you see more racist stuff. Between Justin & Paige and her brother issues.

You've been warned! :)

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