Fighting: a test of knighthood

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Men in all periods of time, even in the Middle Ages, feel a need to try to prove themselves. They want to be able to protect themselves, as well as the girl/woman most important in their lives.

Carina knew that Uberto had had to go to the war meeting. When she unexpectedly saw him as she was leaving the great hall, she hoped he would come back to their apartment after eating. She was  disappointed.

Uberto sensed that she would wait for him, until he was ready. His immediate concern was the state of his readiness to fight in the upcoming battle. Finishing his meal quickly, he belted on his sword and made his way to the nearby training field.

Well over a hundred knights practiced slicing at pells, the hanging contraptions with arms, or fought each other with wooden swords. On the other side of the field, pikemen drilled under the watchful eye of their instructor. Uberto walked toward those engaging in swordfights and waited. Two finished and one called out his name.

"Uberto, my God, you're back!" The man came quickly toward him, sweat still beading on his brow. "Uberto, it's good to see you," he said, hugging him tightly.

Uberto didn't know him, but was nevertheless warmed by the enthusiasm of his greeting. "My brother," he began,

"Uberto," rang out Guy's voice as he hurried to them. "An introduction is needed. Wotano, I want you to know about Uberto. In the battle at the manor, Uberto was struck in the head and has lost his memory. Uberto, this is Wotano. The three of us were fast friends, traveling the roads together, fighting for food and shelter, and singing along to your music before we saved Carina from the Giabaldies and stayed on to become knights of her father's domain."

Uberto took a good look at Wotano. Big and husky, but with the totally honest face of a youth. He could well imagine them being companions. Facing Wotano he said,"I'm sorry I do not remember, but I am looking forward to again getting to know you well, Wotano." He stepped forward to hug him. "There is always a chance too, of getting my memory back."

"We will ride together again, my brothers, on an expedition against the Saracens," said Guy.

"I need practice. I have no memory at all of whether I was good or not with the sword."

"You were excellent, and I am quite sure you still are," said Wotano.

"I think Wotano has himself shown marked improvement. You could clash swords with him for practice if he's willing," said Guy.

"Why don't you do it?" Wotano looked askance at Guy.

"He's bigger than me," Guy smiled.

"Not by much. You know size doesn't matter anyway in a swordfight." Wotano gave every appearance of not wanting to be the one to fight Uberto, but he nevertheless picked up his wooden sword and stood ready.

"The protective armor is there in the big box," Guy pointed out. "Next to it are the wasters."

Uberto walked over to the supply, selected from the hard leather armaments, taking time to fit them on correctly. He returned to face Wotano. He studied him, thinking how he might handle his sword. He didn't remember his own training, and hoped he had learned well enough for the attacks and parries to become ingrained. If not, he was in trouble.

"Start!" said Guy.

Uberto gave ground as Wotano advanced quickly, thrusting first and then slicing. Uberto caught his sword on his shield point and tried to push it down freeing him for a lunge to his midsection. The waster would not go down—the man was too strong. Uberto dodged a slice to his legs, and continuing to turn, quickly pressed his weapon toward Wotano's heart. He missed, but not by much.

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